Following Her Heart: Marissa's Story
Marissa was born with congenital heart defects. Now, she’s an Adult Congenital Heart Center patient and a CHOP Cardiac Care nurse, helping kids like herself.
Marissa was born with congenital heart defects. Now, she’s an Adult Congenital Heart Center patient and a CHOP Cardiac Care nurse, helping kids like herself.
Emmett, 1, is a cheerful baby. Treatment from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is helping him overcome a single ventricle heart defect and chylothorax.
When 6-year-old Ali became seriously ill for the second time, his family believed only one place in the world could offer him the best care — Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Tyler was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a complex congenital heart defect. After a heart transplant, the 5-year-old is thriving.