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Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Learn detailed information on irritable bowel syndrome, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Protecting The Heart: Preventive Cardiovascular Program

Apr 14, 2021

Ethan is 16-year-old male who presents to the Lipid Heart Clinic for further evaluation of his dyslipidemia. Past history reveals an otherwise healthy adolescent who experienced a 50-pound weight gain over the past year without height increase.

Congenital Heart Disease: Lost In Transition

Apr 14, 2021

Adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) now outnumber children with CHD because of excellent surgical and medical care in childhood. Lifelong cardiology follow-up is recommended for almost all people with congenital heart disease. Interventions done in childhood are typically palliative and not curative.

Unexpected Consequence of the Pandemic: MIS-C-Related Cardiac Issues

Apr 14, 2021

In late April 2020, there were reports from the United Kingdom of otherwise healthy children presenting with a severe inflammatory disease similar to Kawasaki disease in the setting of COVID-19. There have been several case definitions since then, and in May 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defined this condition as the multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), which was the diagnosis for our patient.

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