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Cerebral Palsy

<p>Cerebral palsy is a life-long condition that affects the communication between the brain and the muscles, causing a permanent state of uncoordinated movement and posturing.</p>

Expanding Access to Care

Mar 9, 2021

The Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition has started and expanded a number of initiatives to attempt to reach children and teens from all races, cultures, backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses.

GI Psychologist Is Part of Our Team

Mar 9, 2021

Psychologists with specialty training in GI disorders help patients and their families better understand how a child’s feelings, fears and emotions can impact their chronic GI condition and vice versa.

Q&A with Hayat Mousa, MD

Mar 9, 2021

Meet Hayat Mousa, MD, the Director of the Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Center for GI Motility. Dr. Mousa recently sat down for an informal Q&A to talk about her vision, what areas she’d like to expand, why she enjoys working with children with motility conditions, and much more.

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