Helping Your Child With ADHD Succeed Socially
A psychologist from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia discusses the effect of ADHD on peer relationships and ways to help your child improve his social skills and make and keep friends.
Our Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experts have created this list of resources to help you keep your child safe and well.
A psychologist from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia discusses the effect of ADHD on peer relationships and ways to help your child improve his social skills and make and keep friends.
As a parent of a child with, you will often need to be the manager of the team that helps your child succeed. Find out how you can help.
Find tips on how to help your child with ADHD succeed in school. Get information about your child's educational rights.
The author pools his own experiences with more than 80 other parents to help you troubleshoot the system without reinventing the wheel.
ADDA's mission is to help people with ADHD lead happier, more successful lives through education, research and public advocacy. It focuses especially on the needs of adults and young adults with ADHD.
It's the nation's clearinghouse for science-based information about all aspects of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Find tips on how parents and teachers can partner together to help children with ADHD succeed.
This video discusses the impact of ADHD on teen behavior as it relates to driving and provides strategies for promoting safe driving in teens with ADHD.
This quick-reference guide offers hundreds of ideas to help kids with ADHD in both elementary and secondary school.
This book gives you the science-based information you need about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its treatment.