Amy Jo Lisanti, PhD, RN, CCNS, CCRN-K
Areas of expertise: Parental stress, Family-centered care, Developmental care, growth and nutrition, Infant early life stress
Locations: Main Building
About Amy Jo Lisanti, PhD, RN, CCNS, CCRN-K
As a pediatric cardiac nurse for 18 years and a critical care Clinical Nurse Specialist for 10 years, Dr. Lisanti has developed clinical expertise in the care of critically ill infants born with congenital heart disease and their families, specializing in the integration of individualized family-centered developmental care (IFDC) with this population. Her program of research has been dedicated to understanding the influence of the core components of IFDC on infants with congenital heart disease and their families. Dr. Lisanti has conducted research to understand the family-centered aspect of IFDC by examining biobehavioral mechanisms that influence parent mental health in parents of infants with congenital heart disease, with the ultimate goal of discovering biological and psychosocial links between parent mental health and child developmental outcomes. With improvements in measurement using biomarkers, she hopes to test interventions to improve parent mental health, which she believes will positively influence child neurodevelopment. In addition, Dr. Lisanti is conducting research to examine IFDC interventions to reduce environmental stressors for infants in the PCICU before and after their cardiac surgery, with the long-term goal of studying the impact of environmental and early life stress on child neurodevelopmental outcomes in congenital heart disease.
Nurse Scientist – Clinical Nurse Specialist
Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN)
Critical Care Nurse Specialist (CCNS)
Awards and Honors
2019, Herma Heart Institute Visiting Nurse Scholar at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
2018, Visiting Scholar, Primary Children’s Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT
2013, Mary B. Walker Honorary Scholarship Award, Widener University
2009, Dean’s Award, Master of Science in Nursing, Widener University
2009, National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, student poster presentation award
2008, Sigma Theta Tau International, Eta Beta Chapter Induction
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2018-present, American Heart Association
- 2018-present, Pediatric Cardiovascular Nursing Committee of the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing
2017-present, American Nurses Association
2017-present, Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Collaborative
- 2018-present, Family Stress and Coping Working Group
2017-present, ENRS – Eastern Nursing Research Society
2008-present, Sigma Theta Tau International, Eta Beta Chapter
2006-present, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2018-present, Peer reviewer, Critical Care Nurse
2018-present, Peer reviewer, Cardiology in the Young
2018-present, Peer reviewer, Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Academic and Institutional Committees
2016-present, Patient and Family Support Learning Lab, National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative
2013-present, Scientific Review Committee of the Cardiac Center
Research Interests
Parental stress in the CICU
Skin to skin holding
Growth and neurodevelopment of infants with CHD
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSN - University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Graduate Degree
PhD in Nursing Science - Widener University, Chester, PA
MSN - Widener University, Chester, PA
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow, Research on Vulnerable Women, Children, and Families, T32 - University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA
Additional Training
MSN, Emergency/Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist - Widener University, Chester, PA
Ryan, K. R., Jones, M. B., Allen, K. Y., Marino, B. S., Casey, F., Wernovsky, G., Lisanti, A. J. (2019). Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Children with Congenital Heart Disease: At Risk Populations and Modifiable Risk Factors. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, 10(6), 750-758. doi: 10.1177/2150135119878702
Lisanti, A.J., Fitzgerald, J., Helman, S., Dean, S., Sorbello, A., Griffis, H. (2019). Nursing Practice with Transthoracic Intracardiac Catheters in Children: International Benchmarking Study. American Journal of Critical Care, 28, 174-181. doi:10.4037/ajcc2019350
Lisanti, A. J., Vittner, D., Medoff-Cooper, B., Fogel, J., Wernovsky, G., Butler, S. (2019). Individualized Family Centered Developmental Care: An Essential Model to Address the Unique Needs of Infants with Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 34(1):85-93. doi:10.1097/JCN.0000000000000546.
Lisanti, A. J. (2018). Parental Stress and Resilience in CHD: A New Frontier for Health Disparities Research. Cardiology in the Young,1-9. doi: 10.1017/S1047951118000963.
Lisanti, A.J., Golfenshtein, N., Medoff-Cooper, B. (2017). The Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Parental Stress Model: Refinement Using Directed Content Analysis. Advances in Nursing Science, 40(4), 319-336. doi:10.1097/ANS.0000000000000184
Golfenshtein, N., Lisanti, A.J., & Medoff-Cooper, B. (2017). Coping with the stress in the cardiac intensive care unit: Can mindfulness be the answer? Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 37, 117-126. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2017.08.021
Lisanti, A.J., Allen, L.R., Kelly, L., & Medoff-Cooper, B. (2017). Maternal stress and anxiety in the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit. American Journal of Critical Care, 26, 118-125. doi:10.4037/ajcc2017266
Sood, E., Berends, W.M., Butcher, J.L., Lisanti, A.J., Medoff-Cooper, B., Singer, J., Willen, E., & Butler, S. (2016). Developmental Care in North American Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Units: Survey of Current Practices. Advances in Neonatal Care, 16(3), 211-219. doi:10.1097/ANC.0000000000000264
Lisanti, A. J., Lessen, R., Connock, E., Cribben, J., & Medoff-Cooper, B. (2016). Developmental care rounds: An interdisciplinary approach to support developmentally appropriate care of infants born with complex congenital heart disease. Clinics in Perinatology, 43(1), 147-156. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clp.2015.11.010
Helman, S., Lisanti, A. J., Field, C., Adams, A., Davis, K. F. (2016). Just in time training for high risk low volume therapies: An approach to ensure patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 31(1), 33-39. doi:10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000131
Torowicz, D., Lisanti, A. J., Rim, J-S., & Medoff-Cooper, B. (2012). A developmental care framework for a cardiac intensive care unit: A paradigm shift. Advances in Neonatal Care, 12(5), S28-S32. doi:10.1097/ANC.0b013e318265aeef
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Buoni, A., Boyle, C., Daly, M., McNelis, S., Steigerwalt, M., Lisanti, A.J. (February, 2019). Facilitating Kangaroo Care for Hospitalized Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease: A Work of Heart. Poster presented at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology 2019 International Conference, Huntington Beach, CA.
Long, M., Dean, S., Ryan, E., Tarnoviski, K., Lisanti, A.J. (February, 2019). The Developmental Care Flower: An Educational Tool for Inpatient and Procedural Nurses. Poster presented at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology 2019 International Conference, Huntington Beach, CA.
Lisanti, A.J., Fitzgerald, J., Helman, S., Dean, S., Sorbello, A., Griffis, H. (June, 2018). Holding and Mobility of Pediatric Patients with Transthoracic Intracardiac Catheters. Poster presented at the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Collaborative 7th Scientific Session, Kansas City, MO, International.
Dean, D., Ryan, E., Long, M., Barrila, M., Tarnoviski, K., Brown, E., Lisanti, A.J. (June, 2018). The Developmental Care Flower: An Educational Tool for Nurses in a Cardiac Center. Poster presented at the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Collaborative 7th Scientific Session, Kansas City, MO, International.
Lisanti, A.J., Golfenshtein, N., Medoff-Cooper, B. (December, 2017). Maternal Stress in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Theory Refinement Using Directed Content Analysis. Poster presented at the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society 13th Annual International Meeting, Washington, DC, International.
Barilla, M., Fitzgerald, J., Ryan, E., Best, K. Wood, S.E., Rim, J., Herman, L., & Lisanti, A.J. (December, 2017). Perceptions of Pediatric Cardiac Nurses on Current Developmental Care Practice. Poster presented at Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society 13th Annual International Meeting, Washington, DC, International.
Savoca, M., Burnham, N., Imsdahl, S., Cecere, L., Chen, J. & Lisanti, A.J. (December, 2017). Quality Improvement Process to Implement a Comprehensive Nutrition Pathway for Neonates Requiring Cardiac Surgery. Poster session presented Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society 13th Annual International Meeting, Washington, DC, International.
Lisanti, A.J., Golfenshtein, N., Medoff-Cooper, B. (June, 2017). Maternal Stress in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit: Theory Refinement Using Directed Content Analysis. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI. National.
Lisanti, A.J. & Medoff-Cooper, B. (February, 2017). Maternal Stress and Stress Response in a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Poster session presented at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology Conference, Orlando, FL. National.
Barilla, M., Fitzgerald, J., Ryan, E., Best, K. Wood, S.E., Rim, J., Herman, L., & Lisanti, A.J. (February, 2017). Perceptions of Pediatric Cardiac Nurses on Current Developmental Care Practice. Poster session presented at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology Conference, Orlando, FL. National.
Savoca, M., Burnham, N., Imsdahl, S., Cecere, L., Chen, J. & Lisanti, A.J. (February, 2017). Quality Improvement Process to Implement a Comprehensive Nutrition Pathway for Neonates Requiring Cardiac Surgery. Poster session presented at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology Conference, Orlando, FL. National.
Lectures by Invitation
Lisanti AJ. “Early Healthcare Exposures and Experiences.” Invited plenary lecture presented at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology 2019 International Conference, Huntington Beach, CA, February, 2019.
Lisanti AJ. “Environmental Exposures in the CICU: Practice Changes to Improve Outcomes.” Invited plenary lecture presented at the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society 14th Annual International Meeting, Miami, FL, December, 2018.
Lisanti AJ. “Optimizing Bedside Developmental Care for the Neonate with CHD.” Invited lecture presented at the Sixth Annual Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, June, 2017.
Lisanti AJ. “Maternal Stress and Stress Response in a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.” Top Nursing Poster Presentation at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology 2017 International Conference, Orlando, FL, February, 2017.
Lisanti AJ. “Implementing Nutritional Protocols: Is That the Answer?” Invited lecture presented at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiology 2017 International Conference, Orlando, FL, February, 2017.