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Spine Program News

Our team of pediatric spine surgeons and other specialists have more than 250 years of experience diagnosing and treating spine conditions in pediatric patients.

Appointments and referrals

Protecting The Heart: Preventive Cardiovascular Program

Apr 14, 2021

Ethan is 16-year-old male who presents to the Lipid Heart Clinic for further evaluation of his dyslipidemia. Past history reveals an otherwise healthy adolescent who experienced a 50-pound weight gain over the past year without height increase.

Congenital Heart Disease: Lost In Transition

Apr 14, 2021

Adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) now outnumber children with CHD because of excellent surgical and medical care in childhood. Lifelong cardiology follow-up is recommended for almost all people with congenital heart disease. Interventions done in childhood are typically palliative and not curative.

Unexpected Consequence of the Pandemic: MIS-C-Related Cardiac Issues

Apr 14, 2021

In late April 2020, there were reports from the United Kingdom of otherwise healthy children presenting with a severe inflammatory disease similar to Kawasaki disease in the setting of COVID-19. There have been several case definitions since then, and in May 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defined this condition as the multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), which was the diagnosis for our patient.

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