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Solid Tumor Program News

Every person on your child’s team has the same goal: to give your child the best possible care. We provide medical care, emotional support and much more.

Existing patients or family members
New patients, referrals and second opinions

Heart Matters

Feb 10, 2014

Every year, 1 million babies are born with a heart defect, making congenital heart disease the most common type of birth defect in children.

Recognizing and Caring for Hernias

Sep 30, 2013

Hernias can come from more than heavy lifting. Many parents are unaware of the importance of recognizing and caring for hernias that young children can develop.

White Noise: Not the Right Noise

Apr 7, 2014

A new study in the journal Pediatrics suggests that some infant noise machines produce dangerous sounds that exceed safe levels even for adults.

HHI Social Worker Honored By National Homeless Network

Apr 24, 2014

Melissa Berrios Johnson, MSW, social work trainer for CHOP's Homeless Health Initiative, was honored with the annual Award for Outstanding Service by the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians’ Network.

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