ReminderMedia Donates $50K to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
May 15, 2015
Gift will help advance treatments for children with cancer and support the Child Life programs at CHOP.
The Poison Control Center (PCC) at CHOP offers poison prevention education and a 24-hour hotline for poisoning incidents.
May 15, 2015
Gift will help advance treatments for children with cancer and support the Child Life programs at CHOP.
Jan 8, 2025
During which U.S. president’s term was the first childhood vaccination program launched? Find out.
May 14, 2015
Madeline Bell, currently President and COO, has been appointed President and CEO and will succeed Steven M. Altschuler, MD, who is retiring after 15 years as CEO. The transition of leadership will be completed on July 1, 2015.
May 12, 2015
If your child is going to be spending some time in a cast while a broken bone heals, know the basics of cast care, how to keep your child safe, and when to call the doctor.
May 6, 2015
The American Thyroid Association released its first guidelines for evaluating and managing thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer in children.
May 5, 2015
The number of children who experience a stroke hasn’t increased in recent years, but doctors are getting better at recognizing and treating stroke in children and babies.
Apr 28, 2015
Stephanie Rosati-Pratico talks about how communicating a balanced and clear description of life with a disability can have a significant impact on others’ perceptions.
Apr 28, 2015
Encouraging your child with Down syndrome to become more physically active will build skills and socialization, and decrease the chance of obesity and obesity-related conditions.
Apr 28, 2015
Occupational therapists say backward chaining — teaching your child to do the last step in a multi-step process — can help build confidence and improve skill retention.
Apr 28, 2015
Can children head home just a few days after major spine surgery, with their pain under control? Healthcare providers at CHOP changed their method of care to make it possible for their adolescent patients.