Arley’s Story: Fetal Surgery for Pericardial Teratoma
Experts from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia performed lifesaving fetal open heart surgery to remove a tumor growing on Arley’s heart.
Here in the N/IICU, every person on your baby's team has the same goal: to give your child the best possible care. We provide expert care and support your family in any way you need.
Experts from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia performed lifesaving fetal open heart surgery to remove a tumor growing on Arley’s heart.
Tim and Shaneka were unprepared to learn that pregnant Shaneka was carrying conjoined twins. Despite a scary initial diagnosis, they found hope of separation at CHOP.
Asher came to CHOP for a fetal surgery procedure called FETO to treat his severe CDH before he was born, giving him the best chance to survive and thrive.
Fetal surgery for severe CDH gave AJ’s lungs a chance to grow before birth, improving his chances of a better outcome. Today, the 6-year-old is thriving.
While doctors at CHOP helped Ethan’s premature lungs develop, other staff helped his family manage the stress of having a sick newborn.
Abby underwent surgery to remove a lung lesion at CHOP in her first few days of life and is now, 26 years later, a nurse in the Hospital’s ICU.
It took an incredible team effort by experts at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to separate conjoined twins and get them home to Chicago for Christmas.
At CHOP, when pediatric surgeons perform postnatal repair of omphalocele, a child’s health and quality of life are both top of mind.
Born with a heart defect and Down syndrome, Anthony needed immediate treatment for his cardiac issue before his developmental condition could be addressed.
The fetal medicine team at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia made a treatment plan for his CCAM/CPAM, and Owen is now home and happy after surgery.