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Follow-up Neurofibromatosis Patients

Follow-up Neurofibromatosis Patients

If your child is a follow-up patient in the Neurofibromatosis Program, please review these instructions for making an appointment with our team.

Follow-up patient appointment with Dr. Hachen

Follow-up patient appointment with Neuro-oncology

Follow-up patient appointment with Ophthalmology

  • Call 215-590-2791

NF Multidisciplinary Clinic

This clinic takes place on the fourth Thursday of every month. Providers from Neurology, Ophthalmology, Dr. Hachen, Neuro-oncology, Ophthalmology, Neuro-ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Social Work, Developmental Pediatrics and Neuro-psychology are all available to see eligible patients on the same day for follow-up or consult. Please contact us at to learn more or to schedule a visit with our NF Multidisciplinary Team.

Medical Questions

Non-urgent medical questions for Dr. Hachen

  • Call 215-590-0312

Non-urgent medical questions for Neuro-oncology

  • Call 215-590-2299 (Oncology Phone Nurse)

Adults who have NF1 or NF2 or who would like more information about NF1 or NF2 can contact the medical genetics team at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania at 215-662-4740. Appointments can be requested online or by calling 1-800-789-PENN (7366).

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