Meet your General Anesthesiology team
Our anesthesiologists work closely with many other specialists throughout CHOP to determine the best treatment plan for your child and keep them safe and comfortable while undergoing surgery or other procedures.
Contact us

Savannah Aepli, MD

Anthony Alexander, MBBS

Loren Babirak, MD

Lenard W. Babus, MD

Jessica A. Berger, MD, MHS

Stephanie Black, MD, EdM

Benjamin B. Bruins, MD

John Campbell, DO

Frances Chen, MD

Goretti Chiang, DO

David E. Cohen, MD

Scott Cook-Sather, MD

Anushree K. Doshi, MD

Elizabeth T. Drum, MD, FAAP, FCPP, FASA

Scott R. Dubow, MD

Arjunan Ganesh, MBBS, FRCS

Annery Garcia-Marcinkiewicz, MD

Harshad Gurnaney, MBBS, MPH

Kathleen A. Harris, MD

Alicia A. Henderson, MD

Julia M. Hickey, MD, CM

Ashley S. Hodges, MD

Rebecca S. Isserman, MD

Rajeev Iyer, MBBS, MD, MS

Denis H. Jablonka, MD

Nickolas W. Julian, MD

Todd Kilbaugh, MD

F. Wickham Kraemer, MD

Charles Dean Kurth, MD

Elizabeth Laverriere McGovern, MD, MPH, FAAP

Lucy Tianou Li, MD

Elaina E. Lin, MD

Nathaniel Liu, DO, MBA

Justin L. Lockman, MD, MSEd, FAAP

Christopher B. Massa, MD, PHD

Vanessa Mazandi, MD

Heather A. McClung Pasqualino, MD

Madeline D. Miano, MD

Richard M. Missett, DO

Wallis T. Muhly, MD

Olivia Nelson, MD

Sheri Jones Oguh, MD
Elizabeth M. O’Brien, MD

Febina Padiyath, MBBS

Marc Alexander Parris, MD, MPH

Caroline A. Pasquariello, MD, FAAP, FCPP

Matthew F. Pearsall, MD

Bryan M. Perez, MD

Laura Petrini, MD

Kumaran Senthil, MD

Allan F. Simpao, MD, MBI

Devika Singh, MD

Petrus Paulus Steyn, MD

Paul Stricker, MD

Brian P. Struyk, MD

Tori N. Sutherland, MD, MPH

Kha Tran, MD
Elliot Turkiew, MD, MS

Allison Mara Ulrich, MD

Christopher G. Ward, MD

Jack Wasey, MD

Audra Webber, MD

Ari Weintraub, MD
Meryl William, DO

Monica Williams, MD

Kara Ryan Yao, MD

Ian Yuan, MD
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

Alexis L. Armstrong, MSN, CRNA

Jennifer Babia-Espiritu, CRNA, MSN, BSN
Kirby K. Begley, DNP, CRNA

Sherell M. Bernard, CRNA, MSN

Lauren N. Bice, DNP, CRNA

Dorothea L. Connolly, MSN, CRNA, APN

Stephanie Constantin, MSN, CRNA

Shayla Davis, DNP, CRNA
Kathryn Dolphin, MSN, CRNA
Heather Farrell, MSN, CRNA

Keri L. Gilbert, MSN, CRNA, CCRN
Abigail Holden, DNP, CRNA

Andria R. Janos, MSN, CRNA
Kimberly Laliberte, MSN, CRNA

Lauren K. Lewis, MSN, CRNA
Kelly McNellis, MSN, CRNA

Rebekah Mickles, MSNA, CRNA

Pamela Mitchell, MSN, CRNA

Kristen E. Newbrough, DNP, CRNA

Kimberly Raspa, MSA, CRNA

Jennifer Raynor, MSN, CRNA

Jessica Sadvari, DNP, MS, CRNA

Eric H. Scheu, MSN, CRNA

Tatiana Smaliak, MSNA, CRNA
Mia Sommer, BSN, CRNA

Mercedes Vallecillo, MSNA, CRNA
Robert Weiland, MSN, CRNA
Sean Zajdel, CRNA