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Clinical Nutrition Resources

Our Clinical Nutrition experts have created this list of resources to help you keep your child safe and well.

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Food as Medicine: Mindful Mealtimes

This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) gives tips to improve mind-body connection and digestion through practicing mindfulness at mealtimes.

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Food as Medicine: Prebiotic Foods

This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) discusses prebiotics and how to add them to your diet to support digestion and immune health.

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Food as Medicine: Probiotic Foods

This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) discusses probiotics and how to add them to your diet to support digestion and immune health.

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Food as Medicine: Supporting Brain Health

This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) provides information about how a well-rounded, anti-inflammatory diet can support brain health.

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GIKids provides easy to understand information about the treatment and management of these pediatric digestive conditions for children and parents.

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La Leche League International

Find comprehensive breastfeeding information, online forums and support groups, FAQs, conferences, an international online store, and more.

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Los alimentos como medicina: la dieta antiinflamatoria

La dieta antiinflamatoria (AI, por sus siglas en inglés) se basa en dos patrones tradicionales de alimentación saludable que proceden de las culturas asiática y mediterránea. Se cree que el patrón combinado es una de las formas más saludables de alimentación.

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