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Wyss/Campbell Center for Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome News

Patients who choose our center have access to complete, coordinated care from experts from orthopedics, pulmonology, radiology and genetics. General surgeons, cardiologists, neurosurgeons and others are consulted as needed to provide personalized care.

Appointments and referrals

Not Just Splashing Around

Aug 30, 2018

Lynne Ellis shares how the Trisomy 21 Program’s Pool Group has changed her daughter Hazel's outlook and improved her functional skills.

Three Tasty Gluten-free Recipes

Aug 28, 2018

Feeding a child who has gluten intolerance or celiac disease can take an extra spark of creativity. Experts from CHOP provide ideas for tasty gluten-free cooking.

Sibling Support for Cardiac Patients

Aug 16, 2018

Find information on the importance of recognizing siblings' needs for attention and support while coping with a child's illness.

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