Management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Sep 15, 2015
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a complex and challenging anomaly. Learn about CHOP’s efforts to advance care and improve survival in severely affected children.
You will receive care from a highly skilled and compassionate team with a global reputation. This team helped shape modern fetal care and continues to improve techniques and treatments.
Sep 15, 2015
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a complex and challenging anomaly. Learn about CHOP’s efforts to advance care and improve survival in severely affected children.
Oct 5, 2015
On Oct. 4, CHOP's Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment hosted a reunion at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens for families across the Midwest who traveled to CHOP for fetal surgery or specialized care immediately after birth.
Mar 3, 2015
The Philadelphia Academy of Surgery honored Dr. Scott Adzick for contributions to the fetal surgery field.
Jan 1, 2010
CHOP is expanding fetal imaging abilities beyond ultrasound, MRI and echocardiography to also include fetal computed tomography (CT). The low-dose CT program was initiated by CHOP pediatric radiology in order to evaluate skeletal dysplasia.
Jun 1, 2010
Twin pregnancies are associated with an increased perinatal morbidity and mortality compared with singleton pregnancies, with the risk three to 10 times greater in twins that have a single placenta as compared with two separate placentas.
Jun 1, 2010
Successful diagnosis and treatment of fetal complications in twin pregnancies require an experienced team with cutting-edge diagnostic techniques, advanced surgical skill and a comprehensive approach to care.
Jan 1, 2015
While the MOMS trial has demonstrated conclusively that open fetal surgery for repair of myelomeningocele improves outcomes, open fetal surgery for MMC is not a cure.
Jan 1, 2011
To help prepare the obstetric and neonatal surgery teams for deliveries of high-risk fetuses, the Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit at CHOP has developed a program using simulation, a powerful educational tool that uses manikins to mimic real-life situations.
Jan 1, 2011
Abdominal wall defects (AWD) are rare, complex anomalies whose causes are unknown. Optimal outcomes depend on the ability to orchestrate many factors.
Jan 1, 2015
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has initiated a standard practice of continuous intraoperative echocardiographic monitoring for all fetuses undergoing myelomeningocele repair.