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Cardiac Center Patients Stories Listing

Your child will be cared for by one of the most accomplished teams of pediatric cardiology experts in the world. We make sure you and your child get the highest level of support.

Outpatient appointments
Second opinions, referrals and information about our services
Patient story

Heterotaxy Syndrome: Julia’s Story

An innovative procedure corrected a problem in Julia’s circulatory system. Inspired by the nurses at CHOP, Julia is in school to become a nurse herself.
Patient story

Finding Hope Far from Home: Ali’s Story

When 6-year-old Ali became seriously ill for the second time, his family believed only one place in the world could offer him the best care — Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Patient story

Heart Transplant: Tyler’s Story

Tyler was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a complex congenital heart defect. After a heart transplant, the 5-year-old is thriving.
Patient story

Lymphatic Leaks: Gracie’s Story

Her health failing a year ago due to a leak in her lymphatic system, Gracie is now a happy, healthy 5-year-old who loves ballet and gymnastics.
Patient story

Genetic Predisposition to Cardiomyopathy: The Moran Family’s Story

It all started when Joy told her mom, Heather, that she was having chest pains. Heather’s family history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy prompted her to schedule an appointment at the Cardiac Center, where both Joy and her sister, Ryann, were found to have the gene for cardiomyopathy
Patient story

Marfan Syndrome: Rebecca's Story

Rebecca, 19, has Marfan syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes cardiac complications. When she was 3 years old, she was referred to pediatric cardiologist Marie Gleason, MD, at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia — and she’s been coming to the Hospital ever since.
Patient story

Heart Arrhythmia: Joseph's Story

When Joseph Duran was 4 years old he was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia. He's now routinely monitored by team members at CHOP's Electrophysiology and Heart Rhythm Program — and is thriving thanks to their care.
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