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Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology Laboratory News

Your child will be cared for by an accomplished team of pediatric cardiology experts and clinical exercise physiologists. We make sure your child gets the highest level of care and support.

Putting the Squeeze on Juice

May 9, 2018

Louis Bell, MD, Chief of the Division of General Pediatrics, shares the latest in medical thinking on fruit juice consumption.

An Incubator for Success

May 9, 2018

Concussion Care for Kids is a pre-eminent source of information for pediatricians, schools, coaches, families and others, one of many initiatives funded by CHOP's Chair’s Initiatives.

Age of Opportunity

May 9, 2018

Even as toy phones are replaced with cell phones, growing adolescents continue to look to their parents for guidance, support and unconditional love. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.

A Generous Gift for a Collaborative Effort

May 9, 2018

The Templeton family's $3 million gift to CHOP will support the Philadelphia Coalition for a Cure, a brain tumor initiative led by CHOP’s Center for Data-Driven Discovery in Biomedicine.

Fellow’s Corner: Foreign Body Aspiration

May 7, 2018

Approximately 12,000 children present to U.S. EDs annually with symptoms of aspirated foreign bodies. Read about a recent case involving FBA and the steps that led to the diagnosis.

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