Car Seat Safety for Kids

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Car Seat Safety for Kids is a joint effort of our Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) and our Injury Prevention Program.

Car seat checks
Not sure if your child’s car seat is installed correctly, or need help installing it? Find a car seat inspection station where a trained technician can assist you.

Car seat safety videos
These education videos can help you choose and properly install a child safety seat, use the LATCH system, and learn about air bag safety to help protect your baby from serious injuries.
Vehicle safety information from our experts
Stay safe on the road with these tips from our child passenger safety specialists.

Family resources
From installing a rear-facing infant seat to coaching your teen through their first time behind the wheel, these resources will help reduce your child’s risk of injury in the event of a car crash.
Our car seat distribution program provides education and a new car seat to high-risk families. Help keep your neighbors safe on the road.