Belt-positioning Booster Seats
This educational fact sheet addresses questions about the safe use of belt-positioning booster seats for children.
Car Seat Safety for Kids at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia provides information caregivers can trust from world-renowned experts in child passenger safety.
This educational fact sheet addresses questions about the safe use of belt-positioning booster seats for children.
Buckle Up For Life is a community-based safety education program that educates the entire family on critical safety behaviors and provides free child car seats to families in need.
When buying a car, keep safety in mind especially if you’ll be driving kids. Get expert advice about what safety features you should look for when buying a new or used vehicle.
Heat stroke can occur if a child is left unattended in a vehicle, even on a mild day. Find helpful tips on how to protect your child against heat stroke.
Our educational videos, available in both English and Spanish, feature helpful tips and information about child passenger safety at any age.
تحتوي مقاطع الفيديو التعليمية المتوفرة لدينا باللغات الإنجليزية والإسبانية والعربية على نصائح ومعلومات مفيدة حول سلامة الركّاب الأطفال في أي مرحلة عمرية.
Our educational videos feature helpful tips and information about child passenger safety at any age.
These general guidelines can help you maintain proper car seat safety and choose the most appropriate car seat for your child.
Usually, infants born earlier than 37 weeks and those with certain medical conditions will need a car seat test to determine if they child can travel safely in the car.
CIRP is a comprehensive pediatric trauma research facility at CHOP dedicated to addressing injury, the leading cause of death for children and adolescents.