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Bladder Exstrophy Program News

Here at the Bladder Exstrophy Program, your child's care is in the hands of a team of pediatric urologists with special expertise. We work together to improve your child's health and quality of life.

Appointments, referrals and video visits

Working to Improve Cure Rates for High-risk Neuroblastoma

Nov 16, 2018

Researchers at CHOP are working to discover the fundamental mechanisms that subvert normal neural development and orchestrate neuroblastoma tumorigenesis, and then to translate this knowledge into more effective and less toxic therapies.

Creating Meaningful Global Health Rotations

Nov 5, 2018

Dr. Congdon's experience with the Global Health track illustrates how each of the five pillars adopted by the Pediatrics Residency Program helps to create a meaningful rotation experience.

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