Meet your Adolescent Medicine team
The adolescent medicine specialists in our division understand and appreciate the unique needs of children 11 to 24 and work to build trust to facilitate open communication.
Contact us
Chief, Craig-Dalsimer Division of Adolescent Medicine

Renata Arrington Sanders, MD, MPH, ScM
Attending Physicians

Paul Devine Bottone, MD

Merrian J. Brooks, DO, MS

Michele E. Calderoni, DO

Richard J. Chung, MD

Nicole Cifra, MD, MPH, MHPEd

Gladyne Confident, MD

Shelby H. Davies, MD

Nadia L. Dowshen, MD, MSHP

Julia Durante, MD, MPH

Nathalie Duroseau, DO

Carol A. Ford, MD

Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD, MSEd

Sarah Green, MD
Scott Jelinek, MD

Rashi Kabra, MD, MSEd

Faye Korich, MD, MHS

Miriam Langer, MD

Eleni Lantzouni, MD

Amanda Lerman, MD

Victoria A. Miller, PhD

Amy R Paul, DO

Danielle R. Platt, MD, BA

Jonathan R. Pletcher

Oana Tomescu, MD, PhD

Krishna White, MD, MPH

Charles G. Zimbrick-Rogers, MD

Rose B. Bayer, MD

Windy Grant, MD

Adam Kronish, MD

Erika M. Lutins, MD

Emily Ann Rider-Longmaid, MD

Suzanna E. Sellars, DO, MEd

Joseph T. Whelihan, MD
Clinical and Professional Staff
Bridget Bergan, RD, LDN

Marne Castillo, MEd, PhD

Linda A. Hawkins, PhD, MSEd, LPC

Danika Hoffman, MS, RD, LDN

Nellie Riendeau Lazar

Sharifah Linton-Garvin, BSN, RN

Allison Mallowe, MA, RD, LDN
Kalita Miller, MA

Jennifer Rasco-Goldberg, LCSW, MSW, MEd

Carrie Snyder, MSN, CPNP