Renata Arrington Sanders, MD, MPH, ScM
About Renata Arrington Sanders, MD, MPH, ScM
Chief, Craig-Dalsimer Division of Adolescent Medicine
Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Adolescent Medicine – American Board of Internal Medicine
Diplomate – National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
Internal Medicine – American Board of Internal Medicine
Awards and Honors
2017, Diversity Leadership Council’s (DLC) Diversity Recognition Award, Johns Hopkins University
2015, Leadership Program for Women Faculty Recipient
2011, Young Investigator Award Recipient, 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
2010, AAMC Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar
2009, Community Service Award, Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc
2009, Division Teaching Award
2007, National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD), Fellow
2005-2010, NIH Loan Repayment Award
2004, Adolescent Medicine Award. The Faculty of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
2003, Reach for the Stars Award, Emerging Leader
2001, Helping Hand Award, Children’s Hospital Medical Center
1998, Everett V. Fox Case Competition Kaiser Permanente Scholar, First Place
1998, Commitment to Service Award from Mark Farfel
1997, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Award
1995, OMICRON DELTA KAPPA National Leadership Honor Society
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2015-present, International AIDS Society
- 2022-present, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee
- 2021-present, Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) Research Grant Working Group (RGWG)
- 2021-present, Stigma Advisory Board
- 2020-present, Governing Council 1 of 4 representatives of North America (*Regional representative to the Executive Committee)
- 2015-present, Scholarship Applicant Reviewer
2022-present, American Sexual Health Association
2020-present, American Board of Pediatrics
- 2020-present, Research Advisory Committee
2019-present, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
- 2020-present, Nominating Committee
- 2019-present, Governance Committee
2019-present, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), Board Member
2016-present, National Institutes of Health, Internet Assisted Reviewer, Loan Repayment Program
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2023-present, UptoDate, Adolescent Medicine, Section Editor
Journal/Board Review
2022-present, AIDS and Behavior
2022-present, American Journal of Public Health
2022-present, PLOS One
2021-present, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
2020-present, Journal of International AIDS Society
2019-present, New England Journal of Medicine
2017-present, JAMA Pediatrics
2015-present, Archives of Sex Behavior
2013-present, Journal of Sex Research
2009-present, Journal of Adolescent Health
2007-present, Clinical Infectious Diseases
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MPH - Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Masters in Epidemiology - Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Hygiene and Public Health, Epidemiology, Baltimore, MD
Medical Degree
MD - University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA
Internal Medicine and Pediatrics - University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centers, Cincinnati, OH
Adolescent Medicine - Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Additional Training
Graduate Certificate in LGBT Health Policy & Practice - George Washington University, Washington, DC
Certificate of Finance and Management - Johns Hopkins University School, Baltimore, MD
Nelson LE, Ogunbajo A, Abu-Ba'are GR, Conserve DF, Wilton L, Ndenkeh JJ, Braitstein P, Dow D, Arrington-Sanders R, Appiah P, Tucker J, Nam S, Garofalo R. Using the Implementation Research Logic Model as a Lens to View Experiences of Implementing HIV Prevention and Care Interventions with Adolescent Sexual Minority Men-A Global Perspective. AIDS Behav. 2023 May;27(Suppl 1):128-143. PMID: 35947235 [Role: assisted with the analysis, manuscript preparation]
Arrington-Sanders R, Connell NT, Coon D, Dowshen N, Goldman AL, Goldstein Z, Grimstad F, Javier NM, Kim E, Murphy M, Poteat T, Radix A, Schwartz A, St Amand C, Streed CG Jr, Tangpricha V, Toribio M, Goldstein RH. Assessing and Addressing the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism Across the Spectrum of Gender Affirming Care: A Review. Endocr Pract. 2023 Apr;29(4):272-278. PMID: 36539066 [Role: manuscript preparation]
Knopf A, Draucker CB, Fortenberry JD, Ott MA, Arrington-Sanders R, Reirden D, Schneider J, Straub D, Ofner S, Bakoyannis G, Gregory Z. Parental Engagement in Consent Processes for Enrollment in Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials: Implications for Minor Adolescents’ Willingness to Participate. J Adolesc Health. 2023 May;72(5):703-711. PMID:36646563 [Role: site PI and manuscript preparation]
Traut CC, Jones JL, Sanders RA, Clark LR, Hamill MM, Stavrakis G, Sop J, Beckey TP, Keller SC, Gilliams EA, Cochran WV, Laeyendecker O, Manabe YC, Mostafa HH, Thomas DL, Hansoti B, Gebo KA, Blankson JN. Orthopoxvirus-Specific T Cell Responses in Convalescent MPOX Patients. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 29:jiad245. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiad245. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37380166. [Role: recruitment, manuscript preparation]
Thomas M. Strobel, MD, Neerav A. Desai, MD, Renata Arrington-Sanders, MD, MPH, ScM. Acute Infectious Proctitis in Adolescents Pediatric in Review. 2023 September ;44(9):491-497. doi: 10.1542/pir.2022-005862.
Makrides J, Matson P, Arrington-Sanders R, Trent M, Marcell A. Disparities in STI/HIV Testing, Contraception and Emergency Contraception Care among Adolescent Sexual Minority Women who are Racial/Ethnic Minorities. J Adolesc Health. 2023 Feb;72(2):214-221. PMID: 36369111[Role: provided guidance and mentorship, assisted manuscript preparation]
Sherrock F, Alvarenga A, Hailey-Fair K, Vickroy W, Cos T, Kwait J, Trexler C, Wirtz A, Galai N, Beyrer C, Celentano D, Arrington-Sanders R;* PUSH Study Group. Dismantling Barriers and Transforming the Future of PrEP uptake in young Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Men and Transgender Women. AIDS Patient Care and STDS. 2022; 36(5): 194-203.DOI: 10.1089/apc.2021.0222. PMID: 35507322 [Role: mentorship of 1st author on concept idea, assisted with the analysis, manuscript preparation] *corresponding author
Dangerfield DT, Anderson JN, Wylie C, Arrington-Sanders R, Bluthenthal RN, Beyrer C, Farley JE. Refining a Multicomponent Intervention to Increase Perceived HIV Risk and PrEP Initiation: Focus Group Study Among Black Sexual Minority Men. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Aug 10;6(8):e34181. doi: 10.2196/34181.PMID: 35947442 [Role: provided mentorship on K award, assisted with the analysis, manuscript preparation]
Bonett S, Dowshen N, Bauermeister J, Meanley S, Wirtz AL, Celentano DD, Galai N, Arrington-Sanders R;* PUSH Study Group. Characterizing the PrEP Continuum for Black and Latinx Sexual and Gender Minority Youth. AIDS Behav. 2022; 26(4):1211-1221 Sep 21. doi: 10.1007/s10461-021-03476-6. PMID: 34546472 [Role: provided mentoring on the concept idea, assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation] *corresponding author
Akinbolue D, Raifman JR, Day T, Morgan A, Mehta S, Walker Stewart R, Wharton MJ, Kravet SJ, Arrington-Sanders R.* Qualitative exploration of PCPs’ mental health role for LGBT youth in Baltimore: a socio-ecological lens. Journal of LGBT Youth. 2022:1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2022.2108534 [Role: provided mentorship, helped develop the concept idea, assisted with the analysis, manuscript preparation] *corresponding author
Kilcrease C, Yusuf H, Park J, Powell A, James L, Oates J, Davis B, Weld ED, Dooley KE, Arrington-Sanders R, Agwu AL. Realizing the promise of long-acting antiretroviral treatment strategies for individuals with HIV and adherence challenges: an illustrative case series. AIDS Res Ther. 2022 Nov 26;19(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12981-022-00477-w.PMID: 36435793 [Role: manuscript preparation]
Zhao Z, Jones J, Arrington-Sanders R, Gladfelter G, McDonald S, Reed C, Myer D, Schlenker N, Fulton G, Jones T, Saheed M, Rothman R, Hsieh YH. Emergency Department (ED)-Based HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Referral Program - Using EDs as a Portal for PrEP Services. Sex Transm Dis 2021; doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001351. PMID: 33433172 [Role: collaborator on proposal, assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Schumacher CM, Tao X, Chandran A, Fields E, Price A, Greenbaum A, Jennings JM and the IMPACT Partner Collaborative. Reaching Those Most at Risk for HIV Acquisition: Evaluating Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the PrEP Care Continuum in Baltimore City, Maryland. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021; Jan 8; doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001351. PMID: 33433172 [Role: collaborator on proposal, assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Wirtz AL, Iyer J, Brooks D, Hailey-Fair K, Galai N, Beyrer C, Celentano D, Arrington-Sanders. An evaluation of assumptions underlying respondent-driven sampling and the social contexts of sexual and gender minority youth participating in HIV clinical trials in the United States. J Int AIDS Soc. 2021 May;24(5):e25694. PMID: 33978326 [Role: principal investigator on proposal, assisted with concept idea and analysis, mentorship, manuscript preparation]
Brooks D, Wirtz A, Celentano D, Beyrer C, Arrington-Sanders R, Hailey-Fair K. Gaps in science and evidence-based interventions to respond to Intimate Partner Violence among Black gay and bisexual men in the U.S.: A Call for An Intersectional Social Justice Approach. Sex Cult. 2021 Feb;25(1):306-317. PMID: 33716496 [Role: assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Dimenstein NB, Lindberg LD, Arrington-Sanders R, Jennings JM, Frohwirth LF, Dittus PJ, Marcell AV. Exploring experience of and engagement in coercive pregnancy behaviors among sexually active young men from five clinics in Baltimore, MD. Contraception. 2021 Oct;104(4):367-371. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2021.05.020. PMID: 34118267 [Role: assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Smail E, Schneider KE, DeLong SM, Willis K, Arrington-Sanders R, Yang C, Alexander KA, Johnson RM. Health Beliefs and Preventive Behaviors Among Adults During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: a Latent Class Analysis. Prev Sci. 2021 Jul 17:1-10. doi: 10.1007/s11121-021-01273-0. PMID: 34275054 [Role: assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Fields EL, Thornton N, Long A, Morgan A, Uzzi m, Sanders RA, Jennings JM. Young black MSM's exposures to and discussions about PrEP while navigating geosocial networking apps. J LGBT Youth. 2021;18(1):23-39. doi: 10.1080/19361653.2019.1700205. PMID: 34109014. [Role: Assisted with concept design and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Alvarenga A, Galai N, Arscott J, Wirtz A, Carr R, Lopez A, Beyrer C, Nessen R, Celentano D; PUSH Study Group. Social Determinants of Transactional Sex in a Sample of Young Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Cisgender Men and Transgender Women. J Adolesc Health. 2021 Sep 24:S1054-139X(21)00398-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.08.002. [Role: concept idea, led the analysis, manuscript preparation]
Fields EL, Long A, Dangerfield DT 2nd, Morgan A, Uzzi M, Arrington-Sanders R, Jennings JM. There's an App for That: Using Geosocial Networking Apps to Access Young Black Gay, Bisexual, and other MSM at Risk for HIV. Am J Health Promot. 2020 Jan;34(1):42-51. doi: 10.1177/0890117119865112. Epub 2019 Jul 30. PMID: 31359764 [Role: assisted with data collection and manuscript preparation]
Alexander KA, Sanders RA, Grace KT, Thorpe RJ, Doro E, Bowleg L. “Having a Child Meant I had a Real Life”: Reproductive Coercion and Childbearing Motivations Among Young Black Men Living in Baltimore. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260519853400. PMID: 31195889, PMCID: PMC6911027 (available on 2020-12-14) [Role: mentor, analysis, manuscript preparation]
Arrington-Sanders R, Hailey-Fair K, Wirtz AL, Morgan A, Brooks D, Castillo M, Trexler C, Kwait J, Dowshen N, Galai N, Beyrer C, Celentano D. Role of Structural Marginalization, HIV Stigma, and Mistrust on HIV Prevention and Treatment Among Young Black Latinx Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women: Perspectives from Youth Service Providers. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2020 Jan;34(1):7-15. doi: 10.1089/apc.2019.0165. PMID: 31944853 [Role: concept idea, analysis, manuscript]
Raifman J, Carlton BM, Arrington-Sanders R, Chan PA, Rusley J, Mayer KH, Stein MD, Austin SB, McConnell M. Sexual Orientation and Suicide Attempt Disparities Among US Adolescents: 2009-2017. Pediatrics. 2020 Mar;145(3). pii: e20191658. doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-1658. PMID: 32041815. [Role: provided feedback on concept idea and analysis, assisted with manuscript preparation]
Knopf A, Ott MA, Draucker CB, Fortenberry JD, Reirden DH, Arrington-Sanders R, Schneider J, Straub D, Baker R, Bakoyannis G, Zimet GD. Innovative Approaches to Obtain Minors' Consent for Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials: Multi-Site Quasi-Experimental Study of Adolescent and Parent Perspectives. JMIR Res Protocols. 2020 Mar 30;9(3):e16509. doi: 10.2196/16509. PMID:32224493 [Role: provided feedback on concept idea and analysis, site PI, assisted with manuscript preparation]
Armbruster M, Fields EL, Campbell N, Griffith DC, Kouoh AM, Knott-Grasso MA, Arrington-Sanders R, Agwu AL. Addressing Health Inequities Exacerbated by COVID-19 Among Youth With HIV: Expanding Our Toolkit. J Adolesc Health. 2020 Jun 8:S1054-139X(20)30271-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.05.021. PMID: 32527573 [Role: provided feedback on concept idea and analysis, assisted with manuscript preparation]
Rusley J, Tomaszewski K, Kim J, Robinson L Jr, Rose KA, Aronin C, Molloy M, Arrington-Sanders R. Improvement of Electronic Health Record Integrated Transition Planning Tools in Primary Care. Pediatr Qual Saf. 2020 May 18;5(3):e282. doi: 10.1097/pq9.0000000000000282. eCollection 2020 May-Jun. PMID: 32656460 [Role: PI on grant associated with project, provided mentorship, implementation support, assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Arrington-Sanders R, Hailey-Fair K, Wirtz A, Cos T, Galai N, Brooks D, Castillo M, Nadia Dowshen N, Trexler C, D'Angelo LJ, Kwait J, Beyrer C, Anthony Morgan 1, David Celentano, PUSH Study. Providing Unique Support for Health Study Among Young Black and Latinx Men Who Have Sex With Men and Young Black and Latinx Transgender Women Living in 3 Urban Cities in the United States: Protocol for a Coach-Based Mobile-Enhanced Randomized Control Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Sep 16;9(9):e17269.doi: 10.2196/17269. PMID: 32935662 [Role: PI on grant associated with project, led analysis, manuscript preparation]
Delong SM, Denison JA, Yang C, Agwu A, Alexander KA, Kaufman MR, Arrington-Sanders R. From HIV to COVID-19: Focusing on and Engaging Adolescents and Young Adults During the Pandemic. Am J Public Health. 2020; 110(11):1650-1652. PMID: 33026867[Role: provided mentorship, implementation support, assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Kaufman MR, Casella A, Wiginton JM, Xu W, DuBois DL, Arrington-Sanders R, Simon J, Levine D. Mentoring Young African American Men and Transgender Women Who Have Sex With Men on Sexual Health: Formative Research for an HIV Mobile Health Intervention for Mentors. JMIR Form Res. 2020; 4(12): e17317. doi: 10.2196/17317. PMID: 33331822 [Role: provided mentorship, implementation support, assisted with analysis, manuscript preparation]
Perin J, Jennings JM, Arrington-Sanders R, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ, Marcell AV. Evaluation of an Adapted Project Connect Community-based Intervention Among Professionals Serving Young Minority Men. Sex Transm Dis. 2019 Mar;46(3):165-171. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000977. [Role: assisted with data collection, concept idea, analysis, manuscript]
Rusley JC, Monroe A, Matson P, Gebo KA, Nonyane BAS, Minkovitz CS, Agwu A, Emerson M, Moore R, Rutstein R, Aberg J, Nijhawan A, Boswell S, Sanders R; HIV Research Network. Discontinuity in Medicaid Coverage Among Young Adults with HIV. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2019 Mar;33(3):89-92. doi: 10.1089/apc.2018.0272. PMID:30844306. [Role: provided mentorship to Dr. Rusley, analysis, manuscript]
Boyer C, Greenberg L, Korelitz J, Harper G, Stewart-Campbell R, Straub D, Sanders R, Henry-Reid L, Futterman D, Lee S, Ellen J, and the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. Sexual Partner Characteristics, Relationship Type, and HIV Risk Among A Community Venue-based Sample of Urban Adolescent and Young Adult Men Who Have Sex With Men. Youth Soc. 2019 Mar; 51(2):219-246. [Role: assisted with data collection and manuscript preparation]
Raifman J, Dean LT, Montgomery MC, Almonte A, Arrington-Sanders R, Stein MD, Nunn AS, Sosnowy CD, Chan PA. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Awareness Among Men Who have Sex with Men. AIDS Behav. 2019 Mar 14. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02462-3. PMID: 30874995 [Role: assisted with data collection, concept idea, analysis, manuscript]
Alexander KA, Arrington Sanders R, Grace KT, Thorpe RJ, Doro E, Bowleg. "Having a Child Meant I had a Real Life": Reproductive Coercion and Childbearing Motivations Among Young Black Men Living in Baltimore. J Interpers Violence. 2019 Jun 14:886260519853400. doi: 10.1177/0886260519853400. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31195889 [Role: provided mentorship, assisted with data collection and manuscript preparation]
Poteat T, Wirtz A, Malik M, Cooney E, Cannon C, Hardy WD, Arrington-Sanders R, Lujan M, Yamanis T. A Gap Between Willingness and Uptake: Findings from Mixed Methods Research on HIV Prevention among Black and Latina Transgender Women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 May 28. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002112. PMID: 31180995 [Role: assisted with data collection and manuscript preparation]
Chandran A, Marcell AV, Sanders RA, Perin J, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ, Jennings JM. Characteristics of the Provider-Patient Encounter Associated With Awareness of and Willingness to Take PrEP Among Young Minority Urban Males in Baltimore City. AIDS Educ Prev. 2019 Jun;31(3):237-245. doi: 10.1521/aeap.2019.31.3.237. PMID: 31145005. [Role: assisted with design, data collection and manuscript preparation]
Belcher HME, Piggott DA, Sanders RA, Trent M. Research accountability groups and mentoring minutes: The M³ approach to promote public health infectious diseases research for diverse graduate students. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2019;89(3):390-399. doi: 10.1037/ort0000413. PMID: 31070424 [Role: assisted with data collection and manuscript preparation]
Schumacher C, Wu L, Chandran A, Fields E, Price A, Greenbaum A, Jennings JM; IMPACT Partner Collaborative. STI Screening among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men who Have Sex with Men Prescribed PrEP in Baltimore City, Maryland. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Nov 25. pii: ciz1145. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz1145. PMID: 31761944 [Role: assisted with data collection and manuscript preparation]
Marcell AV, Gibbs S, Pilgrim NA, Page KR, Sanders R, Jennings JM, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ. Sexual and reproductive health care receipt among young males aged 15-24. Journal of Adolescent Health 2018;62(4):382-389. PMID 29128296. [Role: Served as co-Investigator on this project, assisted with analysis and writing manuscript.]
Raifman, J, Beyrer C, Arrington Sanders, R. HIV education and sexual risk behaviors among young men who have sex with men. LGBT Health. 2018;5(2):131-138. PMID 29297755. [Role: Served as mentor on this project for post-doctoral fellow. Helped with manuscript draft, revisions and analysis].
Havens PL, Stephensen CB, Van Loan MD, Schuster GU, Woodhouse LR, Flynn PM, Gordon CM, Pan CG, Rutledge B, Harris DR, Price G, Baker A, Meyer WA 3rd, Wilson CM, Hazra R, Kapogiannis BG, Mulligan K; Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions (ATN) 109 Study Team. Vitamin D3 Supplementation Increases Spine Bone Mineral Density in Adolescents and Young Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Being Treated With Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Jan 6;66(2):220-228. doi: 10.1093/cid/cix753. PMID: 29020329 [Role: Served as co-PI for the JHU Adolescent Trials Network Site.]
Morgan A, Saunders B, Dodge B, Harper G. Arrington Sanders R.* Exploring the Sexual Development Experiences of Black Bisexual Male Adolescents Over Time. Arch Sex Behav. 2018 Aug;47(6):1839-1851. doi: 10.1007/s10508-017-1084-4. Epub 2018 Jan 3. PMID: 29299791 [Role: PI on this project (Data from my NIH K23), provided mentorship to Mr. Morgan on this project, led primary analysis plan, and assisted with manuscript preparation] *corresponding author
Ronda J, Nord A, Arrington-Sanders R, Naik R, Takemoto CM, Baskin J, Lanzkron S, Pecker LH. Challenges in the management of the transgender patient with sickle cell disease. Am J Hematol. 2018 Aug 10. doi: 10.1002/ajh.25242. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available. PMID:30094866 [Role: Provided mentorship to Dr. Ronda on this project and assisted with manuscript preparation]
Wheeler NJ, Pilgrim NA. Jennings JM, Sanders R, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ, Marcell AV. Do young men learn about pregnancy prevention in primary care? Clinical Pediatrics. 2018 Jul;63(1):50-56. PMID: 29655517 [Role: Co-Investigator on the project; assisted with manuscript preparation]
Pilgrim NA, Jennings JM, Sanders R, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ, Marcell AV. A framework approach to assessing quality of care among young men aged 15-24. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 2018; 40 (6): 354-365. PMID: 30399033 [Role: Co-Investigator on the project; assisted with manuscript preparation]
Arrington-Sanders R, Wilson CM, Perumean-Chaney SE, Patki A 2nd, Hosek S. The role of socio-behavioral factors in sub-protective tenofovir diphosphate (TFV-DP) levels among YMSM enrolled in two PrEP trials. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Oct 26. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001901. [Role: concept idea, analysis, manuscript]
Moore KL Jr, Dell S, Oliva M, Hsieh YH, Rothman RE, Arrington-Sanders R.* Do confidentiality concerns impact pre-exposure prophylaxis willingness in emergency department adolescents and young adults? Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Nov 9. pii: S0735-6757(18)30923-9. PMCID: PMC6509011 [Role: Worked to develop the idea, build and implement the survey. Provided mentorship around analysis and writing of the manuscript.] *corresponding author
Arrington-Sanders R, Wheeler NJ, Matson P, Kim JM, Tawe MS, Tomaszewski K, Campbell N, Rogers J, Upadhya KK, Marcell AV. A System-Level Approach to Improve HIV Screening in an Urban Pediatric Primary Care Setting. Pediatrics. 2018 Nov;142(5). pii: e20180506. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-0506. [Role: concept idea, analysis, manuscript]
Arrington-Sanders R, Morgan A, Oidtman J, Dao TA, Moon M, Fortenberry JD, Ott M. Sexual health research with young Black men who have sex with men (YBMSM): experiences of benefits and harms. Arch Sex Behav. 2017; 46(4):937-946. PMID: 27043836. [Role: Data from my NIH K23, led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Oidtman J, Sherman S, Morgan A, German D, Arrington-Sanders R.* Satisfaction and Condomless Anal Sex at Sexual Debut and Sexual Risk Among Young Black Same-Sex Attracted Men. Arch Sex Behav 2017; 46(4):947-959. PMID: 27649695 [Role: Data from my NIH K23. Role: Worked with my ScM student to develop the idea, build and implement the survey, conduct the analysis and writing of the manuscript.] *corresponding author
Boyer CB, Greenberg L, Chutuape K, Walker B, Monte D, Kirk J, Ellen JM; Adolescent Medicine Trials Network. Exchange of Sex for Drugs or Money in Adolescents and Young Adults: An Examination of Sociodemographic Factors, HIV-Related Risk, and Community Context. J Community Health. 2017 Feb;42(1):90-100. doi: 10.1007/s10900-016-0234-2. PMID:27498094 [Role: Served as co-PI for the JHU Adolescent Trials Network Site, participated in concept design, analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Marcell A, Okano L, Pilgrim NA, Jennings JM, Page KR, Sanders R, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ. Prevalence of youth-serving community organizations that provide HIV testing. Public Health Rep 2017;132(2):203-209. DOI: 10.1177/0033354916689616 PMID: 28118800 [Role: Served as co-I on the project, assisted with recruitment, design, analysis and completion of manuscript.]
Marcell AV, Morgan AR, Sanders R, Lunardi N, Pilgrim NA, Jennings J, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ. The socio-ecology of sexual and reproductive health care use among young urban minority males. J Adol Health 2017; 60(4):402-410. [Role: Served as co-I on the project, assisted with recruitment design, analysis and completion of the manuscript.]
Marcell, AV, Gibbs SE, Howard SR, Pilgrim NA, Jennings JM, Sanders R, Page KR, Loosier PS, Dittus PJ. Do non-clinical community-based youth-serving professionals talk with young men about sexual and reproductive health and intend to refer them for care? Am J Men's Health 2017; 11(4):1046-1054. PMID 28625115. doi: 10.1177/1557988317696640. [Role: Served as co-I on the project, assisted with recruitment design, analysis and completion of the manuscript.]
Taggart T, Ellen J, Arrington-Sanders R.* Young African American male-male romantic relationships: Experiences, expectations, and condom use. J of LGBT Youth. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2017.1326869 (Accepted April 25, 2017) [Role: Data from my NIH KL2, led concept design, oversaw data collection, writing and analysis of the manuscript.] *corresponding author
Raifman J, Nunn A, Oldenburg CE, Montgomery MC, Almonte A, Agwu AL, Arrington-Sanders R, Chan P. An evaluation of a clinical pre-exposure prophylaxis education intervention among men who have sex with men. Health Serv Res 2017; doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12746. PMID: 28744983 [Role: Served as co-Investigator on this project, assisted with analysis and writing manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Fields E, Greenberg L, Henry-Reid L, Stines S, Korelitz J, Kapogiannis B, Ellen J, Boyer CB, and the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. Does Venue Type Matter for HIV-Related Risk Behavior in Urban Adolescent and Young Adult Men Who Have Sex with Men? Youth & Society (Accepted July 1, 2017) [Role: Served as lead on this project, led concept design, oversaw data analysis, and led manuscript development and submission.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Rosenberger J, Matson P, Novak D, Fortenberry D. Factors Associated with Emotional Satisfaction During First Anal Intercourse in a Sample of YMSM. J Homosexuality. 2016; 63(7):968-84. [PMID: 26571213] [Role: Led concept design of the idea, oversaw data analysis, and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Morgan A, Oidtman J, Gomez M, Ogunbajo A, Trent M, Fortenberry JD. Context of First Same-Sex Condom Use and Nonuse in Young Black Gay and Bisexual Males. J Res on Adolesc 2016; 26(4):1009-1021. PMID: 28453196. [Role: Data from my NIH K23, led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Morgan A, Oidtman J, Celentano D, Beyrer C. A Medical Care Missed Opportunity: Pre-exposure Prophylaxis & Young Black men who have sex with men (YBMSM). J Adol Health. 2016; 59(6):725-728. PMID: 27720357. [Role: Data from my NIH K23, led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Boyer CB, Greenberg L, Korelitz J, Harper GW, Stewart-Campbell R, Straub D, Sanders R, Henry-Reid L, Futterman D, Lee S, Ellen JM, The Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. Sexual Partner Characteristics, Relationship Type, and HIV Risk Among a Community Venue-based Sample of Urban Adolescent and Young Adult Men Who Have Sex with Men. Youth and Society, In Press, 2016. http://yas.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/0044118X16669259v1.pdf?ijkey=oe8AgSKcDHVhaVw&keytype=finite [Role: Served as co-PI for the JHU Adolescent Trials Network Site, participated in concept design, analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Bakhai N, Shields R, Barone M, Sanders R, Fields E. An active learning module teaching advanced communication skills to care for sexual minority youth in clinical medical education. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2016;12:10449. http://dx.doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10449 [Mentored the team of medical students in the concept, design and implementation of this educational tool;]
Bakhai N, Ramos J, Gorfinkle N, Shields R, Fields E, Frosch E, Shochet R, Sanders R. Introductory learning of inclusive sexual history taking: An e-lecture, standardized patient case, and facilitated debrief. MedEdPORTAL Publications. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2016;12:10520. https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10520 [Mentored the team of medical students in the concept, design and implementation of this educational tool;]
Arrington-Sanders R, Harper GW, Morgan A, Ogunbajo A, Trent M, Fortenbery JD. The Role of Sexually Explicit Material (SEM) in the Sexual Development of Black Young Same-Sex Attracted Men. Arch Sexual Behavior. 2015; 44(3): 597-608. [PMID: 25677334] [Role: Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Chutuape KS, Willard N, Walker BC, Boyer CB, Ellen J; Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIVAIDS Interventions. A Tailored Approach to Launch Community Coalitions Focused on Achieving Structural Changes: Lessons Learned From a HIV Prevention Mobilization Study. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec;21(6):546-55. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000182. PMID: 26785397 [Role: Led Connect2Protect at Johns Hopkins site]
Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen J, Thorpe RJ, Leonard L. What Makes a Teen Get Tested? A Case of Urban Based Sample of Adolescents. J AIDS Clin Res. 2014; 5: 336. [doi:10.4172/2155-6113.1000336] [Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Leonard L, Brooks D, Celentano D, Ellen J. Older Partner Selection in Young African-American Men Who Have Sex With Men. J Adolescent Health. 2013 Jun;52(6):682-8. [PMID: 23523311] [Role: Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Ellen J, Hubbard McCree D, Muvva R, Chung SE, Burnett P, Olthoff G, Arrington-Sanders R, Jones K, Fichtenberg C. Recruitment Approaches for Identifying Newly Diagnosed HIV Infection among African American Men Who Have Sex with Men. Internat J STD AIDS. 2013 Apr 24; [PMID: 23615485] Role: [Participated in concept, design, data Analysis, manuscript preparation]
Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen J. A systems approach to improve HIV screening in sexually active youth in urban academic ambulatory settings. Sexually Transm Dis. 2011 Aug; 38(8): 777-9. [PMID: 21750478] [Role: Data from fellowship. Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Straub D, Arrington-Sanders R, Harris R, Willard N, Futterman D, Kapogiannis B, Emmanuel P, Ellen J. HIV Testing of High Risk Youth: What Do We Know About Those Who Don’t Get Tested? Sexually Transm Dis. 2011 Aug; 38(8):691-6. [PMCID: PMC3155007] [Role: Participated in concept, design, data Analysis, manuscript preparation]
Simpkins EP, Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen JM, Erbelding E. HIV trends in adolescents: tracing our steps in preparation for our future. Sex Transm Dis. 2010 Feb;37(2):129. [PMID: 20038865] [Role: Participated in concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Leonard L, Berndtson K, Matson P, Philbin M, Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen J. How physicians test: Clinical practice guidelines and HIV screening practices with adolescent patients. AIDS Education Prevention. 2010; 22: 539-546. [PMCID: PMC3105471] [Role: Participated in concept, design, data collection, and data Analysis]
Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen J. Prevalence of Self-reported HIV Testing among a Population-Based Sample of Urban African American Adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2008 Sep;43(3):306-8. [PMID: 18710686] [Role: Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen J, Trent M. HIV Testing in Adolescents Receiving STI testing in an Urban Primary Care Setting. Sex Transm Dis. 2008 Jul;35(7):686-8. [PMID: 18449070] [Role: Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Yi M, Wilmott RW, Mrus JM, Britto MT. Gender Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life of Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2006; 4:5. [PMCID: PMC1402258] [Role: Developed the idea, oversaw data analysis, and writing of the manuscript.] [Role: Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington-Sanders R, Hutton N, Siberry G. Ritonavir-Fluticasone Interaction Causing Cushing Syndrome in HIV-infected Children and Adolescents. Pediatr Infectious Dis J. 2006; 25:1044-1048. [PMID: 17072128] [Role: Led concept design, oversaw data collection and analysis and writing of the manuscript.]
Arrington R, Cofrancesco J, Wu A. Sexual Function Quality of Life Questionnaires. Quality of life Research. 2004;13: 1643-1658. [PMID: 15651536] [Role: Developed the idea, oversaw data analysis, and writing of the manuscript.]
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Singh P, Anand N, Mullins A, DeBrosse R, Mao X, Beach M, Jung J, Sanders R, Golden C, Pahwa A, Fields E. Evaluating the impact of an adolescent sexuality training workshop on medical student performance on an objective structured clinical exam. American Academy of Pediatrics. National Conference & Exhibition, October 2022.
Galai N, Wirtz A, Beyrer C, Celentano D, Arrington-Sanders R. Adherence to HIV treatment and prevention among young Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Men and Transgender Women Cohort: PUSH Study 2017-2021, International AIDS Society Meeting. Aug 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R, Galai N, Wirtz A, Beyrer C, Celentano D. High Rates of Co-occurring Substance Use: A Key Missed Opportunity in Young Black and Latinx Sexual Minority Men and Transgender Women Living in the US, International AIDS Society Meeting. Aug 2022.
Alverenga-Arteaga A, Yang Y, Nguse M, Schlupp A, Lopez A, Galai N, Castillo M, Celentano D, Arrington-Sanders R. Mistrust and COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptability Among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, International AIDS Society Meeting. Aug 2022.
DeBrosse R, Anand NS, Mullins A, Sorcher JL, Jung J, Sanders R, Beach MC, Pahwa AK, Golden C, Fields EL. Impact of an adolescent sexuality training workshop on medical student performance on an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). Apr 2022.
Rusley, J. C., Arrington-Sanders, R., Guthrie, K. M., Toma, E., & Knopf, A. S. (2022). Impact of Parent-Adolescent Relationship Quality and Sexual Health Communication on Parental Willingness to Support Adolescent Use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV: Lessons for Post-Pandemic Sexual Health Interventions. Poster Symposia. Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM) Annual Meeting (Virtual). Mar 2022.
Condomless sex and partner safe sex conflict: a latent class analysis among at-risk Black and Latinx sexual and gender minority youth (BLSGMY) assigned male sex at birth. July 2021.
Grimaldi G, Festinger D, Hailey-Fair K, Vickroy W, Galai N, Celentano D, Arrington-Sanders R. Actual Risk and Perceived Risk: What matters for PrEP Use in Black and Latinx Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (BLSGMY)? Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Virtual. Mar 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R, Hailey-Fair K, Galai N, Celentano D. Economic and Emotional Vulnerabilities of COVID-19 Experienced Among Black and Latinx Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (BLSGMY). Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Virtual. Mar 2021.
Shorrock F, Alvarenga A, Vickroy W, Kwait J, Trexler C, Arrington-Sanders R. “I knew that my dad was going to find out”: Dismantling Barriers and Transforming the Future of PrEP Uptake in Black and Latinx Sexual Gender Minority Youth (BLSGMY)" Charles E. Irwin, Jr New Investigators Presentation” Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Virtual. Mar 2021.
Shorrock F, Hailey-Fair K, Texler C, Kwait J, Beyrer C, Celentano D, Wirtz A, Arrington-Sanders R. Perspectives on Use of PrEP from Black and Latinx Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, HIVR4P, Virtual. Feb 2021.
Lectures by Invitation
Arrington-Sanders R. Panelist, Invitation to IAS Leadership, IAS 2023 Young Leaders Session. July 2023.
Arrington-Sanders R. Panelist, Meet the Experts, IAS Educational Fund. July 2023.
Arrington-Sanders R. Pediatric Academic Societies, Race in Medicine & LGBTQ+ Health SIG Panel. Apr 2023.
Arrington-Sanders R. Pediatric Academic Societies, Meet the Next Generation: Priming the Pump for UriM Panel. Apr 2023.
Arrington-Sanders R. Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Youth Advocacy Through Intersectional and Affirming Spaces. Church of the Resurrection. Mar 2023.
Arrington-Sanders R. Cervical Health Gaps and Needs of Adolescents, and Sexual and Gender Minority Persons, White House Cervical Health Awareness Roundtable Panelist, Representing American Sexual Health Association. Jan 2023.
Arrington-Sanders R. LGBTQ Youth & Sexual Health, Alive Maryland, Invited online speaker that will be provided to infectious disease and primary care workforces across the State of Maryland. Nov 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. LGBT Youth Advocacy Through Intersectional and Affirming Spaces, Keynote Speaker - SOPHE Annual Advocacy Summit. Oct 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Considerations for supporting Parents of Gender Diverse youth; Section on Adolescent, 2022. National Conference & Exhibition. Oct 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Home HIV Testing & Virtual Navigation Filling the Need During COVID, 2022 STD Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA. Sept 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Lead rapporteur, Track D, Social, behavioural and implementation science. Aug 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Gaps and Opportunities to Address the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, CDC RISE/Ferguson Lecture Series. June 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. ART Options for Children & Young Adolescents, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 13th Congresso Paulista de Infectologia. June 2022.
Advances in PrEP: New Options, New Strategies; Chicago State University Invited CME Speaker, Chicago, IL. May 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Emerge Gender & Sexuality Clinic: An Example of Creating A Gender Affirming Care SPACE for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth; Johns Hopkins Pediatric Grand Rounds. Mar 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. STI Treatment Guidelines and PrEP, Complex Integrated Pediatrics ECHO, Weitzman Institute. Mar 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Gaps and Opportunities to Address the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth; 2022 Frontiers in Science Program meeting as part of the Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs (AMSPDC) Annual Meeting. Mar 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. STATUS Neutral: A Youth-Centered approach to caring for LGBT+ Youth who are At-Risk for or Living with HIV; Vanderbilt Pediatric Grand Rounds, Nashville, Tennessee. Feb 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. Navigating Gender Affirming Care Roadblocks for Gender Diverse Adolescents; Children’s Hospital of Pittsburg Grand Rounds, Pittsburg, PA. Jan 2022.
Arrington-Sanders R. PrEP in Adolescence, Canadian Trials Network Semi-Annual Fall Meeting Prevent (PREV) Core Session, Virtual. Oct 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Youth Engagement in Healthcare and Motivation in Personal Health Goal Setting, International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence, Virtual. Spet 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Unique Aspects of Providing Care for LGBT Youth who are At-Risk for or Living with HIV, JH-WICY Regional Meeting. Sept 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Socio-ecological Approach to Health Interventions for Black & Latinx LGBTQ Youth. National Academies’ Forum for Children’s Well-Being virtual workshop, Reducing Inequalities Between LGBTQ Adolescents and Cisgender, Heterosexual Adolescents. Aug 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. PrEP, Gender, and Identity: Strategies to provide affirming care to a diverse group of youth; Brown University AIDS Program, Providence, RI. Aug 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion panel, Dance Marathon Leadership Conference, Children’s Miracle Network. July 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. International AIDS Society, 7th Workshop on Children/Adolescent who are HIV-Exposed Uninfected, Welcome address, State of the Epidemic. July 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Caring for sexual and gender minority youth with a neurodevelopmental diagnosis, Kennedy Krieger Institute Grand Rounds. June 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Pride Panel, Children’s Miracle Network. June 2021.
Arrington-Sanders R. Inclusivity: Ask The Expert Townhall, Centers for Disease Control and Advocates for Youth, Panelist. Apr 2021.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Arrington-Sanders R. Caring for HIV-Infected Adolescents. In AAHIVM Fundamentals of HIV Medicine. Oxford Univ Press, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023. [Chapter used in training HIV providers; Role: Wrote chapter]
Arrington-Sanders R, Ellen JM. Structural interventions with an emphasis on poverty and racism. In McCree DH, Jones KT, O’Leary, A (eds). African Americans and HIV: A Community In Crisis. Springer Sci Business Media, LLC, 2010: 255-270. [Role: Led concept design, and wrote chapter]
Arrington-Sanders R, Dyson J, Ellen JM. STDs in Adolescents. In Klausner JD, Hook EW (eds). Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. McGraw-Hill Co Inc. New York; 2007: 160-165. [Role: Worked with team to develop concept design; wrote chapter]