Fever and Rash Syndromes
A video presentation on Fever and Rash Syndromes
Showing 2931 - 2940 of 3072 results
A video presentation on Fever and Rash Syndromes
A video presentation on Primary Immunodeficiency
A video presentation titled Vaccine Update: 2014
Paul A. Offit, MD, explains the reasoning behind giving the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to adolescents and who else may benefit from the vaccine.
Paul A. Offit, MD, talks about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. He also describes the different strains it contains and which ones protect against genital warts and cancers caused by HPV.
Paul A. Offit, MD, explains why boys benefit from receipt of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and the reason this question is often asked
Paul A. Offit, MD, discusses the use of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in those older than 13 years of age and in young adults
In this series of videos, cystic fibrosis patients from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia show how to properly perform some common CF therapies at home.
This video offers parents and caregivers step-by-step instructions about how to administer a saline, mineral oil or bisacodyl enema to a child.
En esta serie de videos, médicos, enfermeras y padres hablan sobre los defectos de la pared abdominal, como el onfalocele y la gastrosquisis, y sobre cómo se diagnostican y se tratan estas afecciones en The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.