CAPP+ Home Repairs Program
Repairing a Home, Improving a Child's Health: CAPP+The CAPP+ Home Repairs (CAPP+) program expands CAPP’s vision to provide healthy homes for children with asthma. Often CAPP’s asthma home visitors find larger structural defects in the home during their home assessment, damage that cannot be adequately addressed with mitigation supplies.

CAPP+, through partnerships with home repair agencies, tackles these structural repairs, spending an average of $13,000 to $15,000 per home. Repairs target asthma triggers, such as mold, pest residue and dust, by replacing and repairing roofs, fixing plumbing leaks, removing carpeting, and sealing holes and gaps to keep out pests and water.
Since its launch in 2018, via a BUILD grant with partners Rebuilding Together Philadelphia (RTP) and Habitat for Humanity, and now funded by CHOP’s Healthier Together Initiative, the CAPP+ program is on target to repair nearly 100 homes by June 2021. CHOP/CAPP+ is again partnering with RTP in fiscal year 2022, serving homeowners in West and Southwest Philadelphia while also expanding the Program to renters, targeting 50 homes.
By building upon CAPP, a program proven by rigorous research to improve outcomes in children with asthma, CHOP’s CAPP+ Home Repairs program aspires to give every child a fair chance at a healthy future — in a healthier home. Watch this video to learn more about CAPP+ Home Repairs program.
CAPP+ by the numbers
FY18-19 Completed Homes: 40
FY20 Completed Homes: 27
FY21 Completed Homes: 30
FY22 Projected Homes to be Completed: 50
Application Process
- CAPP community health worker (CHW) evaluated the child's home to determine eligibility for structural repairs
- Family applies for CAPP+ Home Repairs Program
- CHOP sends application to partnering home repair agency
Inspection and Repair

- CHOP CHW, CHOP staff member and home repair agency inspector perform home inspection
- Home repair agency creates work scope
- All parties agree on scope
- Repair work begins
Home Repair Completion
- Repair work completed
- All parties, including an independent home inspector, attend final inspection
CAPP+ Award Recognition
We are proud to share that our CAPP+ Home Repairs program recently received two awards for outstanding achievement, most recently being named the Regional Asthma Community Champion in Asthma Management for 2021 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mid-Atlantic Region’s Air and Radiation Division – please see the press release here. This award honors a community-based program which incorporates identification/remediation of environmental triggers as part of a comprehensive asthma program, promotes self-care asthma skills, and improves the quality of life for individuals with asthma.
In addition, in August 2020, the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania awarded CAPP+ Home Repairs with the Community Champion Award for exceptional work and innovation in community health. The CAPP Team is honored by this recognition.