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MRI Assessment of NAD+

MRI Assessment of NAD+


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This study is now recruiting. Learn more about enrolling here.


NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an important substance found in the body that plays a role in energy metabolism and overall health. The purpose of this research study is to test the performance of a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique (spectroscopy) to measure NAD+ metabolism in brain and skeletal muscle. MRI provides pictures of the inside of the body and information about chemicals the body makes.We are seeking to enroll males and females with Friedrichs Ataxia (FA) as well as healthy matched volunteers, 18 years of age and above. Pregnant females excluded for safety purposes.

Eligibility and criteria

IRB Number:
Eligible age range:
18 years - 99 years
Clinical trial phase:
Official title:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Assessment of NAD+ Metabolism in Friedreichs Ataxia (FA)

What to expect

Individuals will complete a Telephone Screening. Eligible participants will be asked to attend a minimum of 1 in-person study visit including:

- Fasting Labs

- Questionnaires about Fatigue and Physical Activity (15 - 30 Minutes)

- MRI (Up to 90 Minutes)
A sub-set of participants will be invited to return for additional study visit(s) to complete MRI scans with different sequences (brain NAD+, calf NAD+).
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