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MEG Biomarkers in Autistic Adults

MEG Biomarkers in Autistic Adults


If you are interested in participating in the study or want to learn more, please get in touch. Contact us
This study is now recruiting. Learn more about enrolling here.


This study is being done to understand how the brain of autistic adolescents and adults process sound and language. We hope the information gained from this study may lead to future therapies for language difficulties in autistic individuals.

Eligibility and criteria

IRB Number:
Eligible age range:
14 years - 45 years
Clinical trial phase:
Official title:
Developing Electrophysiological Markers for Clinical Trials in Autistic Adults

What to expect

Participation of this study consists of 4 total visits. The initial visit will consist of clinical & behavioral testing, lasting between 1-4 hours. Visits 2, 3, and 4 will involve non invasive brain imaging (MRI and MEG). Each imaging visit will last approximately 4 hours.
Smiling CHOP patient holding shopping bag

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