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iTONE Study

iTONE Study


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This study is now recruiting. Learn more about enrolling here.


iTONE will study the impact of a 4-month home exercise program on physical activity levels, skeletal muscle mass and strength, functional health status, and quality of life in children and teenagers with pulmonary hypertension. Participants will receive home exercise prescriptions from the CHOP exercise trainers, tailored to their interests and abilities. Participants will wear a smartwatch that tracks activity and communicates with a digital health platform connected to the study team.

What to expect

This study involves two study visits at CHOP, each lasting about 2 hours. Every effort will be made to coordinate these study visits with clinical visits. At the study visits, the study team will review your child's medical history and your child will complete questionnaires, muscle strength testing in the arms and legs, and muscle mass measurement using a low-powered X-ray technique called dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
In between the two visits, your child will participate in a 4-month home exercise training program designed by the study team and the exercise trainers at CHOP. This program will be tailored to your childs abilities and interests. During the 4 months, your child will be asked to wear a smartwatch provided by the study team to track activity.
Smiling CHOP patient holding shopping bag

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