Hypnotherapy in Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders
Eligibility and criteria
What to expect
You will be placed in one of two groups: the intervention group or the control group. If placed in the intervention group you will receive a link and instructions on how to use the VGH program and asked to use the program as often as you wish during 4 weeks. If placed in the control group you will continue to receive standard clinical care for four weeks and then receive instructions and the link to use the VGH program.
You will be asked to report your symptoms in questionnaires weekly during the 4-weeks you are using the VGH program. Your study participation will occur from home.
If you agree to take part, your participation may be greater than 12 months. Your participation in this study will involve a screening period, 4-week intervention or control period, 4 follow-up visits: one at the end of the intervention, and one at 3, 6 and 12 months after the end of the intervention.
The main risks of this study feeling uncomfortable sharing or answering questions about your symptoms. You may benefit if you follow the VGH program as instructed.
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you do not choose to take part in this study, you will still receive your care as scheduled, and you will not experience any interruptions in care. You may also be eligible for a different research study.
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