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Home Sleep Apnea Testing in Children (HATCh) Study

Home Sleep Apnea Testing in Children (HATCh) Study


If you are interested in participating in the study or want to learn more, please get in touch. Contact us
This study is now recruiting. Learn more about enrolling here.


The purpose of this research is to compare home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) to in-lab overnight sleep study. We want to see if HSAT in children can be an alternative to in-lab sleep study for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.

What to expect

This study will involve at least one visit to the CHOP Main Hospital Sleep Lab to set-up the HSAT device for an at-home sleep study (which is in addition to the in-lab sleep study your medical team ordered). This visit will occur during the day and should last between 45 minutes to one hour. This study will also involve a short physical exam and completion of questionnaires about sleep and your opinions about the at-home sleep study.
Smiling CHOP patient holding shopping bag

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