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Body Surface Gastric Mapping in Patients with GI Symptoms

Body Surface Gastric Mapping in Patients with GI Symptoms


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The purpose of this study is to learn more about a new device that measures stomach and bowel myoelectric (electricity produced by muscles) activity in children and young adults using body surface gastric mapping (BSGM). The BSGM device is FDA approved for use in individuals aged 12 and older.

We are looking to partner with patients who have a confirmed diagnosis of a Motility Disorder and/or Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder (FGID) or patients who are having motility tests/procedures performed for clinical care. We are also looking for healthy controls without any history of inflammatory disease or pyloric disorders. All study participants must be 8 - 25 years of age and have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 35.

Participation is completely voluntary, and subjects may withdraw at any time without affecting their care. Participants may receive compensation for their time.

What to expect

The body surface gastric mapping (BSGM) device will measure stomach and bowel myoelectric (electricity produced by muscles) activity. The BSGM device is FDA approved in individuals aged 12 and older. It works very similarly to an EKG, where electrodes (sticky patches) are placed on the belly area. Participants will have a minimum of 1-2 visits (depending on the type of illness they have) where the BSGM device is placed and monitored. These visits will last about six hours. Patients will have to fast for six hours prior to the device being placed. About 30 to 60 minutes after the BSGM device is connected and running, a small meal will be given. It takes a total of about six hours to complete the test. Participants can read books, watch television or use an iPad during the test. Participants and their parents/guardians will be asked to complete questionnaires during the BSGM visit. Participants may be in the study for up to three years, and who have additional motility testing/procedures done at a future time will be asked to repeat these visits. We will also collect information from the medical charts until the study is completed.

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