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Assent and Decision-Making Study in Down Syndrome

Assent and Decision-Making Study in Down Syndrome


If you are interested in participating in the study or want to learn more, please get in touch. Contact us
This study is now recruiting. Learn more about enrolling here.


We are inviting teens and young adults with Down Syndrome and their care givers to participate in a study that seeks to improve the way we explain research studies to individuals with Down Syndrome. Our goal is to create tools to help with explaining what it means to be in

a research study and to get feedback on how we can improve these tools.

Eligibility and criteria

IRB Number:
Eligible age range:
14 years - 30 years
Clinical trial phase:
Official title:
Leveraging E-education to Advance Assent and Decision-Making Involvement in Down Syndrome

What to expect

In-person or remote semi-structured interviews with adolescents and young adults with Down Syndrome and their caregivers. Interviews will cover decision- making involvement and feedback on study materials. Interviews will be audio recorded.
Smiling CHOP patient holding shopping bag

We need families like you

Your time and participation make a difference in supporting the work of the Research Institute and children in our community. Learn more about opportunities to participate in our research.

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