Search Clinical Pathways
Behavioral Concerns, Child Undergoing EEG Monitoring Clinical Pathway — Inpatient and Outpatient Specialty Care
The Behavioral Concerns for the Child Undergoing EEG Monitoring Pathway is a detailed plan of the essential steps in treating a child in the inpatient and outpatient specialty care settings.
Malnutrition (Undernutrition) Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
The malnutrition pathway outlines the steps necessary in the evaluation and diagnosis of malnutrition or undernutrition in children.
Foster Care Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care
This pathway recommends a systematic approach to the health assessment of children entering foster care, including physical, emotional, and developmental health.
Suspected Acute Heart Failure Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
The heart failure clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken when treating a patient with suspected acute heart failure.
PDA Management in the First Month in High-risk Preterm Neonate Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
The pathway for management of PDA in the first month of the high risk pre-term neonate outlines the care for high risk neonates while decreasing variability in evaluation and treatment, standardizing echocardiographic readings and decreasing NPO time.
T&A Triage with or without Preoperative Polysomnography Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Outpatient Specialty Care
The T&A with or without preoperative polysomnography clinical pathway is designed to guide the preoperative triage of patients to the appropriate surgical setting.
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prevention Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This pathway provides recommendations for the assessment and prevention of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in pediatric inpatients during a hospital stay and/or following a surgical procedure.
Brief Resolved Unexplained Event Clinical Pathway — Emergency and Inpatient
Emergency Department pathway for infant presenting with a brief, resolved, concerning event.
Suspected Sepsis Clinical Pathway — CICU/CCU
The Infection/Possible Sepsis clinical pathway aids clinicians in determining the necessary care when treating a child with infection and possible sepsis in the CICU/CCU.
Diabetic Ketosis without Acidosis Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This clinical pathway guides the care of the child with diabetes and illness or suspected Ketosis without Acidosis in all hospital inpatient units.