Search Clinical Pathways
Preparation for Anesthesia/Sedation Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Emergency Department
This pathway guides care of patients in the Emergency Department and inpatient units coming to the General Operating Rooms and radiologic procedures under Anesthesia/sedation.
Neurogenic Bowel Management, Spina Bifida Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care
The Neurogenic bowel management clinical pathway in the pediatric patient with spina bifida ensures a consistent stepwise approach to social continence and independence throughout childhood and adolescence.
Depression Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Behavioral Health and Primary Care
This pathway should be used to guide the screening, assessment, and care planning for patients at risk for depression in an outpatient setting
Fever In the Returned Traveler — Emergency Department
This pathway should be used to guide the evaluation and treatment of patients with fever and recent travel. ≥ 38 °C in a traveler within 30 days of return to the U.S.
Evaluation of Suspected Acute Flaccid Myelitis Clinical Pathway — Emergency and Inpatient
This pathway guides the care of children who present with onset of flaccid weakness in one or more extremities +/- bulbar/cranial nerve findings without other clear cause.
Unprovoked Seizure Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The unprovoked seizure clinical pathway outlines the steps to standardize the ED clinical assessment, evaluation and recommend Neurology follow-up for healthy children presenting with new onset unprovoked seizure(s).
Infant Malnutrition Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
The Infant Malnutrition (Failure to Thrive) Pathway provides a consistent approach to caring for infants at risk for malnutrition in the outpatient setting.
22q11.2 Hypocalcemia Screening/Treatment Clinical Pathway — Inpatient, Outpatient Specialty Care and PICU
Peri- procedure and post-procedure calcium surveillance and management for pediatric patients with 22q11.2 diagnosis.
Infants with Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie) Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie), Outpatient Specialty Care, Primary Care
Emergency Department and Inpatient Mitochondrial Clinical Pathway
This pathway guides the ED and inpatient care for patients of any age with Genetically confirmed, Primary (Definite) Mitochondrial Disease or Suspected Mitochondrial Disease.