Search Clinical Pathways
Delirium Clinical Pathway — CICU, PICU, and PCU
This clinical pathway outlines the management of delirium in the CICU/PCU/PICU from screening through assessment and ongoing management.
Newborn Persistent Hypoglycemia Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The Persistent Hypoglycemia, Newborn clinical pathway standardizes and describes the initial evaluation and treatment of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonate.
Micrognathia-Retrognathia Clinical Pathway — N/IICU and ICU
The Neonate/Infant with Micrognathia/Retrognathia and Concern for Airway Obstruction pathway provides guidance for evaluating/treating patients in the NICU with Micrognathia-Retrognathia
Deep Neck Space Infection Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The Suspected Deep Neck Space Infection Pathway provides evidence-based guidance for evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients seen in the emergency department for neck infection.
Brief Resolved Unexplained Event Clinical Pathway — Emergency and Inpatient
Emergency Department pathway for infant presenting with a brief, resolved, concerning event.
Suspected Sepsis Clinical Pathway — CICU/CCU
The Infection/Possible Sepsis clinical pathway aids clinicians in determining the necessary care when treating a child with infection and possible sepsis in the CICU/CCU.
Diabetic Ketosis without Acidosis Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This clinical pathway guides the care of the child with diabetes and illness or suspected Ketosis without Acidosis in all hospital inpatient units.
Suspected Meningitis Age > 56 days Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, Inpatient and ICU
The suspected meningitis pathway outlines the care plan for assessment and management of suspected meningitis in the emergency and inpatient settings for patients older than 56 days.
Kawasaki Disease or Incomplete Kawasaki Disease Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway is meant to guide the evaluation for patients presenting with symptoms consistent with Kawasaki Disease (KD) or Incomplete Kawasaki Disease and to guide treatment for those diagnosed with KD or Incomplete KD.
Open Long Bone Fracture Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
Fracture, Extremity, Open Long Bone, ED