Search Clinical Pathways
Active COVID-19, Clinical Pathway — All Settings
Treatment of patients with active COVID-19 disease with guidance on severity of illness, recommendations for antivirals, steroids, immunomodulators, and convalescent plasma administration.
Infant with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Clinical Pathway, Pre and Post-operative Care — Inpatient and ICU
This pathway provides a detailed overview of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care for the infant diagnosed with CDH during their initial hospitalization.
Ventilator Weaning Clinical Pathway — CICU
The CICU pathway for ventilator weaning provides guidance on the management and weaning of conventional mechanical ventilation and extubation readiness in children in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.
Community Acquired Pneumonia Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The pneumonia clinical pathway aids clinicians in determining the appropriate steps to be taken when evaluating and treating a child with community-acquired pneumonia.
Sedation/Analgesia, Mechanically Ventilated Patient Clinical Pathway — PICU
The PICU Sedation/Analgesia pathway outlines the necessary care in treating a mechanically ventilated child in the PICU with sedation and analgesia.
Difficult/Critical Airway Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The difficult airway pathway is a detailed plan of the essential steps in treating a child requiring intubation with a difficult or critical airway.
Sedation/Analgesia in Mechanically Ventilated Patient Clinical Pathway — CICU
The CICU sedation clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken for sedation and analgesia in the mechanically ventilated patient in the CICU.