Search Clinical Pathways
Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
This clinical pathway provides a detailed behavior screening tool, supportive resources and interventions for treating a pediatric patient with challenging behaviors in the primary care setting.
Mpox (Monkeypox) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
This pathway should be used to guide the health screening, evaluation and management of patients presenting with concerns for the mpox virus.
Thermoregulation Clinical Pathway — PICU and PCU
The PICU/PCU thermoregulation clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken for the patient with neurologic injury.
Transition to Adult Care — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
This pathway outlines the process for transitioning patients from pediatric care at CHOP to adult healthcare.
Neonatal Hyperammonemia Clinical Pathway – PICU and Emergency Department
The PICU neonatal hyperammonemia pathway guides the care for infants < 30 days of age referred or presenting to CHOP for acute care for any abnormal or elevated ammonia level.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) /Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS), Clinical Pathway, Inpatient
The neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)/neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) clinical pathway provides a care plan to optimize non-pharmacologic management for infants and maximize maternal-infant bonding
Behavioral Escalations Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
This pathway should be used to guide staff in recognizing and responding patients presenting with acute behavioral escalations in the Primary Care and Ambulatory Specialty Care locations.
Ventricular Shunt Obstruction/Infection Clinical Pathway — Emergency, ICU and Inpatient
The ventricular shunt obstruction/infection pathway details the specific care necessary in the evaluation and treatment of a child with a suspected ventricular shunt obstruction or infection.
Migraine Headache Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The migraine headache clinical pathway is a task-oriented care plan that follows detailed steps in the evaluation and treatment of patients with migraine in the emergency department.
Suspected Stroke Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The stroke clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken to manage a child with suspected stroke in the emergency department.