Search Clinical Pathways
Emergency Department and Inpatient Mitochondrial Clinical Pathway
This pathway guides the ED and inpatient care for patients of any age with Genetically confirmed, Primary (Definite) Mitochondrial Disease or Suspected Mitochondrial Disease.
Suspected Pharyngitis or Peritonsillar Abscess (PTA) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway guides the care of healthy children with suspected pharyngitis or peritonsillar abscess in the Emergency Department and Inpatient.
Burn Injury Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
The thermal burn injury pathway details the steps necessary in the assessment and treatment of a child with a burn injury in an inpatient setting.
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and ICU
The suspected traumatic spinal cord injury clinical pathway outlines the care plan for assessment and treatment of spinal cord injury in the emergency department and ICU.
T&A Triage with or without Preoperative Polysomnography Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Outpatient Specialty Care
The T&A with or without preoperative polysomnography clinical pathway is designed to guide the preoperative triage of patients to the appropriate surgical setting.
Emergency Department, Inpatient, and ICU Clinical Pathway for Children with Blunt Abdominal Solid Organ Injury
The abdominal injury clinical pathway provides step-by-step instructions in treating a patient with solid organ abdominal injury in an inpatient setting.
Difficult/Critical Airway Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The difficult airway pathway is a detailed plan of the essential steps in treating a child requiring intubation with a difficult or critical airway.
Acute Otitis Media Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The otitis media clinical pathway is a care plan that describes the necessary steps in the care of a child with otitis media.
Foreign Body Ingestion Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU, and Inpatient
The foreign body ingestion pathway takes a step-by-step approach to the evaluation and treatment of a child who has ingested a foreign body.