Search Clinical Pathways
Atopic Dermatitis Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The suspected atopic dermatitis pathway highlights the care necessary in treating children with atopic dermatitis for all settings.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Iron Deficiency and Anemia Clinical Pathway — All Settings
Clinical Care Pathway for screening, management and follow up of iron deficiency and anemia among patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Double Volume Exchange Transfusion Clinical Pathway — ICU
This pathway should be used to guide the management of infants requiring a double volume exchange transfusion
Preparation for Anesthesia/Sedation Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Emergency Department
This pathway guides care of patients in the Emergency Department and inpatient units coming to the General Operating Rooms and radiologic procedures under Anesthesia/sedation.
Partial Volume Exchange Transfusion, Clinical Pathway, ICU
This pathway should be used to guide the management of infants requiring a Partial Volume Exchange Transfusion (PVET). Most common reasons for PVET include severe chronic anemia or Polycythemia/Hyperviscosity syndrome.
Acute Pulmonary Embolism Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
This pathway will guide the evaluation and treatment of a pediatric patient with a suspected acute pulmonary embolism/embolus.
Tumor Lysis Syndrome Clinical Pathway — Inpatient, ICU
This pathway is to be used for oncology patients with a new diagnosis/new relapse of a hematological malignancy or bulky solid tumor with presence of high risk criteria.
Elevated Venous Blood Lead Levels — Primary Care
Guides medical, environmental and ongoing management for children with venous blood lead levels ≥ 3.5 μg/dL.
Screening Infants and Children at Risk for Fractures Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This pathway guides clinicians in laboratory studies and appropriate consultation to Bone Health team as needed, with a goal to prevent any fractures from occurring while children are in the hospital.
Post-Hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus in Pre-Term Infants Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus clinical pathway aids clinicians in diagnosing and treating hydrocephalus after intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in preterm infants.