Search Clinical Pathways
VEPTR Procedures Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
The VEPTR procedures pathway details the specific care necessary for a child undergoing Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) procedures.
BMI-based Evaluation and Management in Children Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
The BMI-based evaluation and management clinical pathway is a task-oriented care plan that details essential steps in promoting weight management.
Asthma Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
An asthma clinical pathway is a task-oriented care plan that details essential steps in the care of patients with asthma and describes the patient's expected clinical course.
Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Clinical Pathway — PICU
The PICU pathway for inhaled nitric oxide in management of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure is designed to guide clinicians through a standardized approach to initiating and weaning nitric oxide in patients with acute respiratory failure.
Sedation/Analgesia, Mechanically Ventilated Patient Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The N/IICU sedation clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken to manage sedation in the mechanically ventilated neonatal patient.
Malnutrition (Undernutrition) Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
The malnutrition pathway outlines the steps necessary in the evaluation and diagnosis of malnutrition or undernutrition in children.
Ventilator Weaning Clinical Pathway — PICU
The PICU pathway for ventilator weaning provides guidance on the management and weaning of conventional mechanical ventilation and extubation readiness in intubated patients in the intensive care unit.
Brief Resolved Unexplained Event Clinical Pathway — Emergency and Inpatient
Emergency Department pathway for infant presenting with a brief, resolved, concerning event.
G, GJ, J Tube Complications Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This pathway provides guidance to providers for inpatient management of various complications of G, GJ, or J tubes.
Malnutrition, Weight Loss and Eating Disorders Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
The pathway is intended to guide inpatient evaluation and management of malnutrition, weight loss and eating disorders through nutritional rehabilitation in the adolescent patient