Search Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathway for Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT) in Children with or at Risk for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI)
Guidelines for evaluating patients suspected to have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and initiating/optimizing pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Iron Deficiency and Anemia Clinical Pathway — All Settings
Clinical Care Pathway for screening, management and follow up of iron deficiency and anemia among patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Double Volume Exchange Transfusion Clinical Pathway — ICU
This pathway should be used to guide the management of infants requiring a double volume exchange transfusion
Jeune Syndrome/Chest Wall Hypoplasia, VEPTR Implantation Clinical Pathway — PICU and Inpatient
Pre-op and post-op care for patients with Jeunes Syndrome/Chest Wall Hypoplasia treated at CHOP for insertion of a Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR)
Trauma Nutrition Clinical Pathway — ICU
This pathway provides guidance for the care of patients at baseline risk for malnutrition and/or unlikely to consume adequate caloric intake by mouth within 3 days of admission to the ICU.
Neuromuscular Compromise and Respiratory Failure Clinical Pathway — Inpatient and PICU
This pathway is intended for use in the inpatient pulmonary service and the PICU to guide care for patients with common neurodegenerative conditions affecting respiratory status.
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
This pathway guides the care for children in the ED, ICU or inpatient setting with signs and symptoms of UGI bleeding
Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia/Jaundice Clinical Pathway
The hyperbilirubinemia pathway is a standard approach to initial evaluation, treatment, and management of infants with hyperbilirubinemia from birth through 21 days of life.
Malnutrition, Weight Loss and Eating Disorders Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
The pathway is intended to guide inpatient evaluation and management of malnutrition, weight loss and eating disorders through nutritional rehabilitation in the adolescent patient
Nutrition Initiation and Advancement Clinical Pathway — PICU/PCU
The PICU Inpatient Pathway for Initiation and Advancement of Nutrition clinical pathway is intended to guide providers in the basic initiation and advancement of enteral nutrition in the critically ill pediatric intensive care unit patient.