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Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (SSRD) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway guides the diagnosis of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (SSRD) where the history/physical of a patient’s chief complaint does not align with known organic medical causes.
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
This pathway guides the care for children in the ED, ICU or inpatient setting with signs and symptoms of UGI bleeding
Headache Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
This pathway guides the care of healthy children ≥ 5 yrs with headache in the Primary Care Setting.
Suspected Pharyngitis or Peritonsillar Abscess (PTA) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway guides the care of healthy children with suspected pharyngitis or peritonsillar abscess in the Emergency Department and Inpatient.
Suspected Ileocolic Intussusception Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The ileocolic intussusception clinical pathway is a detailed care plan that outlines the necessary steps in treating a healthy child with suspected ileocolic intussusception without a pathologic lead point in the emergency department.
Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia/Jaundice Clinical Pathway
The hyperbilirubinemia pathway is a standard approach to initial evaluation, treatment, and management of infants with hyperbilirubinemia from birth through 21 days of life.
BMI-based Evaluation and Management in Children Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
The BMI-based evaluation and management clinical pathway is a task-oriented care plan that details essential steps in promoting weight management.
Hearing Screening Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
The hearing screening clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken for a hearing screening during a well child visit.
Malnutrition (Undernutrition) Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
The malnutrition pathway outlines the steps necessary in the evaluation and diagnosis of malnutrition or undernutrition in children.
T&A Triage with or without Preoperative Polysomnography Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Outpatient Specialty Care
The T&A with or without preoperative polysomnography clinical pathway is designed to guide the preoperative triage of patients to the appropriate surgical setting.