Search Clinical Pathways
Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Iron Deficiency and Anemia Clinical Pathway — All Settings
Clinical Care Pathway for screening, management and follow up of iron deficiency and anemia among patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Emergency Department and Inpatient Mitochondrial Clinical Pathway
This pathway guides the ED and inpatient care for patients of any age with Genetically confirmed, Primary (Definite) Mitochondrial Disease or Suspected Mitochondrial Disease.
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (SSRD) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway guides the diagnosis of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders (SSRD) where the history/physical of a patient’s chief complaint does not align with known organic medical causes.
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
This pathway guides the care for children in the ED, ICU or inpatient setting with signs and symptoms of UGI bleeding
Suspected Ileocolic Intussusception Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The ileocolic intussusception clinical pathway is a detailed care plan that outlines the necessary steps in treating a healthy child with suspected ileocolic intussusception without a pathologic lead point in the emergency department.
Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia/Jaundice Clinical Pathway
The hyperbilirubinemia pathway is a standard approach to initial evaluation, treatment, and management of infants with hyperbilirubinemia from birth through 21 days of life.
Uterine Bleeding, Acute Abnormal Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The acute abnormal uterine bleeding clinical pathway is a detailed plan of the course of care for pediatric patients seen in the emergency department with acute abnormal uterine bleeding.
Pancreatitis Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway should be used to guide the screening, assessment, and care planning for patients with known or suspected non-traumatic pancreatitis in an emergency or inpatient setting.
Constipation Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
The constipation clinical pathway outlines the care plan for diagnosis and treatment of functional constipation in the emergency department and inpatient settings.
Non-traumatic Scrotal/Testicular Pain Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The scrotal/testicular pain clinical pathway is a care plan that outlines the necessary steps in treating a child that presents to the emergency department with non-traumatic scrotal/testicular pain.