Search Clinical Pathways
Asthma Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The asthma pathway provides step-by-step guidance for evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients seen in the emergency department for asthma.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
The Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Clinical Pathway guides the care of children with DKA treated in the Emergency Department, Inpatient and ICU settings.
Difficult/Critical Airway Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The difficult airway pathway is a detailed plan of the essential steps in treating a child requiring intubation with a difficult or critical airway.
Sedation/Analgesia in Mechanically Ventilated Patient Clinical Pathway — CICU
The CICU sedation clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken for sedation and analgesia in the mechanically ventilated patient in the CICU.