Search Clinical Pathways
VEPTR Procedures Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
The VEPTR procedures pathway details the specific care necessary for a child undergoing Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) procedures.
Steroid Stress Dosing and Weaning Clinical Pathway- All settings
The glucocorticoid tapering and stress dose pathway outlines the steps to be taken when a child on steroids needs stress dosing or tapering.
Newborn Persistent Hypoglycemia Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The Persistent Hypoglycemia, Newborn clinical pathway standardizes and describes the initial evaluation and treatment of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonate.
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prevention Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This pathway provides recommendations for the assessment and prevention of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in pediatric inpatients during a hospital stay and/or following a surgical procedure.
Diabetic Ketosis without Acidosis Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This clinical pathway guides the care of the child with diabetes and illness or suspected Ketosis without Acidosis in all hospital inpatient units.
Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO) Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This pathway guides the care of children with hip dysfunction undergoing Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO).
Inpatient Clinical Pathway for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Spinal Fusion Rapid Recovery — Inpatient
The adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) spinal fusion rapid recovery clinical pathway is designed to assist clinicians in managing patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in an inpatient setting by standardizing post-operative care.
Neuromuscular Scoliosis Spinal Fusion Clinical Pathway — ICU, Inpatient, Outpatient Specialty Care
The neuromuscular scoliosis spinal fusion clinical pathways standardizes the perioperative management of patients with neuromuscular scoliosis following posterior spinal fusion.
Neonatal Hyperammonemia Clinical Pathway – PICU and Emergency Department
The PICU neonatal hyperammonemia pathway guides the care for infants < 30 days of age referred or presenting to CHOP for acute care for any abnormal or elevated ammonia level.
Diabetes Type 1 with Acute Illness Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The diabetes sick day rules pathway provides step-by-step guidance for evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients seen in the emergency department for acute illness and type 1 diabetes.