Search Clinical Pathways
Screening Infants and Children at Risk for Fractures Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This pathway guides clinicians in laboratory studies and appropriate consultation to Bone Health team as needed, with a goal to prevent any fractures from occurring while children are in the hospital.
Steroid Stress Dosing and Weaning Clinical Pathway- All settings
The glucocorticoid tapering and stress dose pathway outlines the steps to be taken when a child on steroids needs stress dosing or tapering.
Hearing Screening Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
The hearing screening clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken for a hearing screening during a well child visit.
T&A Triage with or without Preoperative Polysomnography Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Outpatient Specialty Care
The T&A with or without preoperative polysomnography clinical pathway is designed to guide the preoperative triage of patients to the appropriate surgical setting.
Newborn Persistent Hypoglycemia Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The Persistent Hypoglycemia, Newborn clinical pathway standardizes and describes the initial evaluation and treatment of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonate.
Micrognathia-Retrognathia Clinical Pathway — N/IICU and ICU
The Neonate/Infant with Micrognathia/Retrognathia and Concern for Airway Obstruction pathway provides guidance for evaluating/treating patients in the NICU with Micrognathia-Retrognathia
Deep Neck Space Infection Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The Suspected Deep Neck Space Infection Pathway provides evidence-based guidance for evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients seen in the emergency department for neck infection.
Diabetic Ketosis without Acidosis Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This clinical pathway guides the care of the child with diabetes and illness or suspected Ketosis without Acidosis in all hospital inpatient units.
Neonatal Hyperammonemia Clinical Pathway – PICU and Emergency Department
The PICU neonatal hyperammonemia pathway guides the care for infants < 30 days of age referred or presenting to CHOP for acute care for any abnormal or elevated ammonia level.
Ear Foreign Body Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Primary Care
The ear foreign body pathway takes a step-by-step approach to the evaluation and treatment of a child who has a foreign body in the ear canal.