Search Clinical Pathways
Steroid Stress Dosing and Weaning Clinical Pathway- All settings
The glucocorticoid tapering and stress dose pathway outlines the steps to be taken when a child on steroids needs stress dosing or tapering.
Uterine Bleeding, Acute Abnormal Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The acute abnormal uterine bleeding clinical pathway is a detailed plan of the course of care for pediatric patients seen in the emergency department with acute abnormal uterine bleeding.
Newborn Persistent Hypoglycemia Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The Persistent Hypoglycemia, Newborn clinical pathway standardizes and describes the initial evaluation and treatment of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonate.
Diabetic Ketosis without Acidosis Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This clinical pathway guides the care of the child with diabetes and illness or suspected Ketosis without Acidosis in all hospital inpatient units.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Management in Neonates Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
In patient management for NICU patients with suspected or confirmed UTI, guiding care for diagnostic imaging, recommendations for prophylactic medication and care coordination through discharge.
Neonatal Hyperammonemia Clinical Pathway – PICU and Emergency Department
The PICU neonatal hyperammonemia pathway guides the care for infants < 30 days of age referred or presenting to CHOP for acute care for any abnormal or elevated ammonia level.
Non-traumatic Scrotal/Testicular Pain Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The scrotal/testicular pain clinical pathway is a care plan that outlines the necessary steps in treating a child that presents to the emergency department with non-traumatic scrotal/testicular pain.
Diabetes Type 1 with Acute Illness Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The diabetes sick day rules pathway provides step-by-step guidance for evaluation and treatment of pediatric patients seen in the emergency department for acute illness and type 1 diabetes.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The UTI clinical pathway is a detailed plan of the course of care for pediatric patients with a febrile urinary tract infection.
Glucose Monitoring in the Healthy Newborn Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
This clinical pathway guides clinicians in caring for neonates who require blood glucose monitoring in the first 48 hours of life.