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Pulmonary Hypertension Screening in Patients with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
Inpatient Clinical Pathway to standardize the process to screen for pulmonary hypertension in infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD). BPD remains a major source of morbidity and mortality for extremely low birth weight infants.
Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) Clinical Pathway — CICU
The TGA clinical pathway outlines the care necessary for an inpatient newborn with Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA) in a step-by-step manner in order to aid clinicians in the treatment.
Post-Cath Pulse Loss Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
The femoral artery loss clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken in the case of femoral artery loss in an inpatient setting.
Suspected Acute Heart Failure Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
The heart failure clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken when treating a patient with suspected acute heart failure.
PDA Management in the First Month in High-risk Preterm Neonate Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
The pathway for management of PDA in the first month of the high risk pre-term neonate outlines the care for high risk neonates while decreasing variability in evaluation and treatment, standardizing echocardiographic readings and decreasing NPO time.
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) Clinical Pathway provides guidance of care for neonates/infants born at the CHOP SDU or referred from outside institutions for further evaluation and treatment with overgrowth features such as macroglossia, hyperinsulinism, omphalocele and/or a constellation of findings suspicious for BWS.
Infant with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Clinical Pathway, Pre and Post-operative Care — Inpatient and ICU
This pathway provides a detailed overview of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care for the infant diagnosed with CDH during their initial hospitalization.
Ventilator Weaning Clinical Pathway — CICU
The CICU pathway for ventilator weaning provides guidance on the management and weaning of conventional mechanical ventilation and extubation readiness in children in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.
Newborn/Infant Perioperative Care Clinical Pathway — N/IICU
The neonatal perioperative clinical pathway highlights the steps that should be taken when treating an infant having surgery in the next 24 hours.
Pulmonary Hypertension Requiring Procedure, Anesthesia or Sedation Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
ICU and Inpatient Clinical Pathway that outlines recovery and disposition considerations for children with pulmonary hypertension undergoing a procedure, anesthesia or sedation.