Search Clinical Pathways
Preparation for Anesthesia/Sedation Clinical Pathway – Inpatient and Emergency Department
This pathway guides care of patients in the Emergency Department and inpatient units coming to the General Operating Rooms and radiologic procedures under Anesthesia/sedation.
Emergency Department and Inpatient Mitochondrial Clinical Pathway
This pathway guides the ED and inpatient care for patients of any age with Genetically confirmed, Primary (Definite) Mitochondrial Disease or Suspected Mitochondrial Disease.
Suspected Acute Heart Failure Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, ICU and Inpatient
The heart failure clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken when treating a patient with suspected acute heart failure.
Kawasaki Disease or Incomplete Kawasaki Disease Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department and Inpatient
This pathway is meant to guide the evaluation for patients presenting with symptoms consistent with Kawasaki Disease (KD) or Incomplete Kawasaki Disease and to guide treatment for those diagnosed with KD or Incomplete KD.
Trauma Resuscitation Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
This pathway provides guidance for the care of all patients who have sustained a traumatic injury with risk to life or limb. Patients with recognized life threatening injuries are classified as Trauma Level One or Trauma Level Two and require initial evaluation and resuscitation in the Trauma Bay.
Procedural Sedation Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
This pathway is intended for Emergency Department patients requiring procedural sedation who are healthy or those with mild systemic disease that is well controlled.
Vascular Access Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The Vascular Access clinical pathway details essential steps in the care of emergency department patients requiring an intravenous line.
Chest Pain Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The chest pain clinical pathway is a care plan that describes the necessary steps in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric chest pain without known cardiac disease in the emergency department.