Search Clinical Pathways
Nephrolithiasis Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care
The nephrolithiasis pathway is a care plan that details the step-by-step care in treating a patient with kidney stones.
Uterine Bleeding, Acute Abnormal Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The acute abnormal uterine bleeding clinical pathway is a detailed plan of the course of care for pediatric patients seen in the emergency department with acute abnormal uterine bleeding.
Behavioral Concerns, Child Undergoing EEG Monitoring Clinical Pathway — Inpatient and Outpatient Specialty Care
The Behavioral Concerns for the Child Undergoing EEG Monitoring Pathway is a detailed plan of the essential steps in treating a child in the inpatient and outpatient specialty care settings.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Management in Neonates Clinical Pathway — ICU and Inpatient
In patient management for NICU patients with suspected or confirmed UTI, guiding care for diagnostic imaging, recommendations for prophylactic medication and care coordination through discharge.
Behavioral Health Discharge Disposition Clinical Pathway — Inpatient
Inpatient Discharge Disposition Pathway provides guidance to patient who has an active Behavioral Health diagnosis or behaviors that are currently impacting their ability to successfully participate in medical care or impairing their ability to safely or successfully function in the community (home and/or school).
Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
This clinical pathway provides a detailed behavior screening tool, supportive resources and interventions for treating a pediatric patient with challenging behaviors in the primary care setting.
Mpox (Monkeypox) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
This pathway should be used to guide the health screening, evaluation and management of patients presenting with concerns for the mpox virus.
Autism Screening Clinical Pathway — Primary Care
The autism primary care screening and referral clinical pathway outlines the steps to be taken to screen for early identification of autism and the appropriate steps for referring a child with a positive screen.
Behavioral Escalations Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
This pathway should be used to guide staff in recognizing and responding patients presenting with acute behavioral escalations in the Primary Care and Ambulatory Specialty Care locations.
Non-traumatic Scrotal/Testicular Pain Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department
The scrotal/testicular pain clinical pathway is a care plan that outlines the necessary steps in treating a child that presents to the emergency department with non-traumatic scrotal/testicular pain.