Search Clinical Pathways
Atopic Dermatitis Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The suspected atopic dermatitis pathway highlights the care necessary in treating children with atopic dermatitis for all settings.
Penicillin Drug Allergy Clinical Pathway — All Settings
The penicillin drug allergy pathway is meant to guide providers in assessing whether patients with a reported or labeled penicillin drug allergy should avoid penicillin, remove the allergy label, or refer to an allergist for skin testing or oral drug challenge.
Mpox (Monkeypox) Clinical Pathway — Emergency Department, Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
This pathway should be used to guide the health screening, evaluation and management of patients presenting with concerns for the mpox virus.
Anaphylaxis Clinical Pathway — Outpatient Specialty Care and Primary Care
The anaphylaxis pathway highlights the care necessary in treating children with anaphylaxis in an outpatient setting.