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Clinical Pathways Search Results

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Clinical Pathway

Penicillin Drug Allergy Clinical Pathway — All Settings

The penicillin drug allergy pathway is meant to guide providers in assessing whether patients with a reported or labeled penicillin drug allergy should avoid penicillin, remove the allergy label, or refer to an allergist for skin testing or oral drug challenge.

Clinical Pathway

Trauma Nutrition Clinical Pathway — ICU

This pathway provides guidance for the care of patients at baseline risk for malnutrition and/or unlikely to consume adequate caloric intake by mouth within 3 days of admission to the ICU.

Clinical Pathway

Post-N/IICU Inpatient BPD Clinical Pathway

The post – N/IICU patient with severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) clinical pathway will guide transfer from N/IICU to complex care service, weaning of respiratory support, and discharge planning.

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